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Andy at Brisbane 2018


@ATL - Really like the instagram.  Looks like a good time was had by all!  It sounds quite positive too.

Well let's see how he gets on here. It's great seeing Andy smiling and laughing.  I actually think he'll lose something like 62 60 and it feels like the end of an era.  Hope i'm wrong but can't complain if this is the end game being played out on Andy's career. He's given us some unbelievable highs along the way and we'll never see another British player as good in our lifetimes.
Well I won't be judging him on the strength of just one match, but agree with the rest of your post.  Such a shame really because he seems to be fit and healthy enough apart from his hip, and perhaps even more importanlty he's got his motivation back now too.

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I posted this on the Articles thread but thought I'd post it here too since it's a remarakbly frank, and on the whole positive, take by Andy on his current situation -
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^  It's interesting to read.  Andy sounds as if he's well aware of his recent difficulties and is prepared to face the challenge of the future and he understands what he's undertaking and knows that even if he isn't the number one these days, if he can play tennis at a high level, then that is what he'd like to do.
I think he's very brave and courageous and I wish him lots of luck in Brisbane and in all his chosen tournaments this year - 2018 Smile
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^ Same here!  So long as Andy can play relatively pain free and enjoy his tennis again then that's all that matters to me.  He's already achieved his goals, so definitely time to relax and go easy on the number of tournaments he plays, which fortunately he can now do.  I just hope that others on this forum will share the same view.
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I agree with your commentsb101.0/0. Andy rarely gets a fair crack of the whip from the press. As you say when he goes this country will wait a very long time for another player of his calibre.

The time he has given to British Tennis in encouraging young British players is terrific, I have not seen many other British male players doing this. I get very cross as I feel he is not as appreciated as he should be.

When he does go the standard of male tennis will go downhill very quickly.
One good point though is that more children in Scotland are participating in the game. We need more indoor courts.

It's a shame the LTA Tennis Centre in England is poorly used, I remember Andy went there looking for someone to practice with, the place was deserted so he had no one to practice with.
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Unfortunately we have an English media that do not treat Andy with the respect that he deserves, never have done.

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Andy rarely gets a fair crack of the whip from the press.

I get very cross as I feel he is not as appreciated as he should be.
I would dispute that as well.

When he does go the standard of male tennis will go downhill very quickly.
One good point though is that more children in Scotland are participating in the game. We need more indoor courts.
Well Alex Salmond did say back in 2012 that the Scottish Government would provide the money for more facilities .....
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ATS will be wondering about this match!

I feel terrible about saying so, but I didn't take much wondering. Shapovalov all the way. I just wish I wasn't too tired to work out when it's being played and how to watch it. Though I guess I'll be asleep.
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I feel terrible about saying so, but I didn't take much wondering. Shapovalov all the way. I just wish I wasn't too tired to work out when it's being played and how to watch it. Though I guess I'll be asleep.
Unfortunately you will be, as you've just discovererd on the Other Players thread.  Why feel terrible anyway, there's no rule that says you must support Brtish players - except for Andy that is!
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Practice session today with Raonic

* IMG_2266.JPG (106.28 KB, 680x669 - viewed 353 times.)

* IMG_2267.JPG (103.41 KB, 680x680 - viewed 332 times.)

* IMG_2268.JPG (51.02 KB, 634x416 - viewed 331 times.)

* IMG_2269.JPG (48.79 KB, 634x412 - viewed 344 times.)
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Thanks ATL.  I wonder what Jamie was saying to him in the first pic because he doesn't look too happy about it!
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Just watched a very brief video of Andy walking round a supermarket and on the practice court, and he seems to be doing a quite normal Andy walk to me, so Fingers crossed
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I feel terrible about saying so, but I didn't take much wondering. Shapovalov all the way. I just wish I wasn't too tired to work out when it's being played and how to watch it. Though I guess I'll be asleep.

On no don't worry ATS!  It's ok to follow Shap, he's a nice player to watch and I'm sure he'll have another great year - this year - which is the 2018 year Smile
I think you need your sleep because I think you have to go to work in the morning - which is Tuesday morning Smile  See you again soon Smile
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Just watched a very brief video of Andy walking round a supermarket and on the practice court, and he seems to be doing a quite normal Andy walk to me, so Fingers crossed

Do you know what he was buying at the supermarket?  It's good that he was doing a normal Andy walk, because, when at a supermarket, it really is necessary to walk in a normal way  yay
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The pictures are very nice ATL Smile
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