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Murray on Twitter & Facebook


Does this boy do nothing but eat??!
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Well he is an athlete, and it's usually pretty healthy stuff...
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I'm just bored of all the food talk.  
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Half of your posts are about food, shoosh. Wink
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Half is a bit much, I talk about other crap too :P
[ Last edit by Quackers May 06, 2008, 01:43 pm ] IP Logged

ah but crap was once food!
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ah but crap was once food!

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Ahhh, touché.  lol
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HeHe, he clearly has been ordered to text in, but doesn't know what to write, so resorts to what he's eaten lately - a topic 90% guaranteed not to cause controversy... that's the best shot he has!
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Yup, he suddenly has gone on a text rampage in the last few days and they also have just done a front page news article advertising this fact.
[ Last edit by Mark May 06, 2008, 03:13 pm ] IP Logged

Does this boy do nothing but eat??!

He's a growing lad! Very Happy
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    “Just sat down in hotel bar with worlds best stringer priority ones glynn Roberts.”
    2 days ago

    “Hey guys. lie in today. then lunch with my mum. penne pommodoro. awesome. going to club for football-tennis and a hit. ciao..”
    3 days ago

    “gym session with treacle, then stretch with AI. bit of lunch at club, then hitting at 3. pretty hot here!.”
    4 days ago
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“Hey guys. At player party tonight. 5th up versus Nadal tmmrw!.”

13 hours ago
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Wow, I wish I was a tennis player so I could go to players parties Frown
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I thought he would have been watching the Rangers game but maybe it's a good thing he wasn't now.  w00t
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Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 ... 251 Reply