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Murray on Twitter & Facebook


Let me believe he cares for the environment Amy! Don't crush a girls dream.
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Theres was something I was gonna say to you (unrelated) but I can't think what it was Think  I'll let you know when I remember ...
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I shall check my PM inbox the morning! Hope that you've remembered Smile
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Oki doke Very Happy
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Andy says:

“hey guys. kids day at roland garros today. place is mobbed. just did exo with fed for kids. they loved it. really enjoyed it as well..”

8 hours ago
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exo? exercise?
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I'm thinking exhibition maybe?   Think
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Andy says:

“planning on doing eiffel tower later, but weather isnt too great...hitting with james blake 2mrrw..”

4 hours ago

Andy says:

“practiced with ross and miles at polo club 2day. me and ross smashed everyone at tennis football with the 'triangle' move.”

4 hours ago

Can't see why he's so obsessed about tennis/football so much. lol I think it's rubbish. yawn
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He's secretly wishes he became a football star.
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Stop playing tennis football and work on your FH or serve
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Stop playing tennis football and work on your FH or serve

Amen to that.
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well, he can keep doing it as warmup and fitness exercise, but yes, he should get more obsessed with his serve, and less so with this football thingy
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Andy says:

“decent lunch today-avoided the rabbit terrine! still raining here..”

4 hours ago

Andy says:

“pouring rain here just now. sat around, and getting some physio. treacle is showing us how to clap properly. bring on the sunshine..”

9 hours ago

 Think lol
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