It didn't take that long. I just:
- Used on the video topic thread url to get all the individual page urls for the thread
- Then regexed the urls so they were in the format urls used with this then nicely gave all the youtube links in it's body text
- Then a ran a program which I already had written to grab all the youtube links from the webmaster pages
- Then regexed the youtube urls to remove the preview forum thread (not here) and installed the YouTube Title Adder greesemonkey script, this script puts the youtube video title alongside any youtube urls posted and convenintly it also shows an error next to all videos which have been taken down
- So next I could copy the generated text with titles alongside the urls, regex to delete all the lines where an error occurred (like a third of them had been taken down), then regex all remaining lines so it removed unwanted formatting and to put it all into bbcode lines I could use in this forum thread
- Unfortunately there was some manual labour to end because I had to manually index them all into the right categories, but being a Murray fanatic I recognised most the videos just from the titles so I knew where they belonged, there was only a couple I needed to play to see what they were