MurraysWorld  >  Andy Talk  >  Doha 2009 Final: Murray v Roddick
Final outcome...
Muzz in 2 - 12 (48%)
Muzz in 3 - 1 (4%)
A-Rod in 2 - 0 (0%)
A-Rod in 3 - 0 (0%)
Andy to win Whistle - 5 (20%)
Win by w/o - 7 (28%)
Total Voters: 25

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Doha 2009 Final: Murray v Roddick


Mark, the South African summarising today on channelsurfing is Robbie Koenig who is still in his mid30s, Frew must be nearing his 70s.


He was around in the late 60's, early 70s. Played doubles with Bob Hewitt and a more unpleasant pair ( arrogant and too good for lesser mortals) you were unlikely to get.

Always played in a stupid flat hat.
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Well Done Andy Murray  Whistle
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He's a genuinely great bloke is Roddick - much more so than Fed who, despite being an amazing player who you just have to admire, has an underlying hint of arrogance and poor sportsmanship about him.

I have felt that Roddick is an arrogant person but was a nice speech from him today.  Don't get me started on Fedex!
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I wish someone could provide me with a YouTube/audio of Frew's commentatory, it's so annoying having everyone rant about someone I don't know whether I've ever heard. Frown
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I have felt that Roddick is an arrogant person but was a nice speech from him today.  Don't get me started on Fedex!

Fedex is an a.... hole.... I used to like him loads, but I see it now... The A-Rod is a honey...... soooo cute.....   I need to go and chilllllllllll   lol
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I wish someone could provide me with a YouTube/audio of Frew's commentatory, it's so annoying having everyone rant about someone I don't know whether I've ever heard. Frown

The best I can do is to direct you to an episode of House, where Chase's father comes to see him and helps diagnose the case. The guy who plays his father sounds *exactly* like Frew MacMillan. Scarily so.
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Andys game UGLY....McMILLAN...GET A F@£*ING LIFE YOU HALF WIT.....but then are entitled to your opinion UNLIKE SOME OF YOUR COUNTRY MEN naughty
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Ladies and Gentlemen,

I believe the term is 'owned': I just finished watching the final, the first match I've seen this year - all I can say is he COMPLETELY outclassed him, without even getting to 100%.

The German Commentator at some point was saying things like:
"Of course he's going to see that you plan to put the ball there if you stand there like that" to Rod and "He's desperate now, he's throwing everything at Murray, and it comes back better".

Murray didn't even bother too much, keeping the reserve stocked for the AO: see the one game he threw away after breaking in the first set, and the second before last game: he was obviously hitting some of those in the net deliberately as if to say "you have this one, I want to get on with it"...

... Fabulous. I'm now convinced he can do the Aussie if the back holds up the 2 weeks...
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