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Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
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Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
(Read 69050 times)
Grand Slam Champion
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 12:23 pm »
Quote from: The Gnome on May 10, 2013, 12:59 am
Why do people insist on bringing up useless stats during a match? he converted blah blah points compared to a year ago etc etc, the most important stat is he won, what would you prefer? Andy playing poorly but winning or having better BP conversion but losing? Not every match is going to be the same as the last one.
Like Lendl said countless times, the most important point in a match is the last one
Why do people insist on talking down stats like they're irrelevant?
They are far from useless you tool.
If someone has a low first serve percentage, or a poor record on converting break points, it's clearly areas they need to focus on. If someone is so ignorant that they think winning a match is all that matters, they're never going to get anywhere. Thank **** you're not his coach. Winning is certainly not all that matters.
And what a bizarre question. Seriously, where is your logic? With a better conversion record quite naturally he'd have a better result and make things easier on himself. It's not exactly rocket science.
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 12:28 pm »
Quote from: laundry on May 10, 2013, 03:31 am
There were some stunning shots in the match alongside the bad play.
That forehand pass half an inch above the ground was quite special. Hell, how he managed to even get into that position from that rally was brilliant.
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 12:34 pm »
[email protected]
conversely back problems can cause a pain in the hip/butt as I know to my cost! I think Andy has had his back problem diagnosed so it's quite possible it is causing him some problems in the area he was clutching. I don't actually think that was the cause of the very poor first set yesterday - that seemed much more to do with mental and physical lethargy. As Andy says everyone plays with niggles and let's just hope this is a minor one that won't turn into a real problem. I'm sure his physio will be doing everything to ensure it doesn't.
And for all the criticisms of his play yesterday let's also remember the sheer brilliance of some of his shots (I agree Laundry), which prove he can bring his magic to work on clay. He just needs to do it more consistently.
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Emma Jean
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 01:07 pm »
Quote from: ABF on May 10, 2013, 02:49 am
neah ... sunsets kick ass
Sunsets are great too. I love the long Indian summer evenings.
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 01:20 pm »
Quote from: TheMadHatter on May 10, 2013, 12:23 pm
Why do people insist on talking down stats like they're irrelevant?
They are far from useless you tool.
If someone has a low first serve percentage, or a poor record on converting break points, it's clearly areas they need to focus on. If someone is so ignorant that they think winning a match is all that matters, they're never going to get anywhere. Thank **** you're not his coach. Winning is certainly not all that matters.
And what a bizarre question. Seriously, where is your logic? With a better conversion record quite naturally he'd have a better result and make things easier on himself. It's not exactly rocket science.
Meeoww! While analytical stats are vital to any proper understanding of the game, I agree with Gnome that the time for churning esoteric stats is not in the course of a match.
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ATP Level
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 01:44 pm »
I have just finished watching the match at the AO(I do this while I cycle. It helps me as I cover more ground and want to get fit before my next hip op) I had not realised what a tricky opponent Simon is even when he was so tired so last night has come with no surprise especially with Andy's clay courtplay.
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World No 1
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 02:08 pm »
Quote from: laundry on May 10, 2013, 01:30 am
mornings suck, night is the best
High five!
Quote from: Emma Jean on May 10, 2013, 01:07 pm
Sunsets are great too. I love the long Indian summer evenings.
Oh no no no.
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The Gnome
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 02:41 pm »
Quote from: TheMadHatter on May 10, 2013, 12:23 pm
Why do people insist on talking down stats like they're irrelevant?
They are far from useless you tool.
If someone has a low first serve percentage, or a poor record on converting break points, it's clearly areas they need to focus on. If someone is so ignorant that they think winning a match is all that matters, they're never going to get anywhere. Thank **** you're not his coach. Winning is certainly not all that matters.
And what a bizarre question. Seriously, where is your logic? With a better conversion record quite naturally he'd have a better result and make things easier on himself. It's not exactly rocket science.
I was going to write a long post pointing out the many flaws in your post and why calling people a tool on the internet tantamounts to making yourself look a bigger tool, but i will just lol instead
Quite an idiotic post from you really, and as Fiverlings has already pointed out, the discussion of stats is only pertinent after the match not during, constant posts from you during a match regarding this stat and that stat are completely useless at the time, or maybe you think Andy should have a 10 minute break during the match so he can ask his coach while he is failing to convert his break points? or do you think Murray does it on purpose to wind you up?
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Emma Jean
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 03:21 pm »
MH is in a bit of an angry mood lately. Doesn't suit him all that much. Maybe lack of sleep .... like Prod. lol
I'd say despite having a very low percentage basically in anything, if Andy pulls out a win in the end, the stats become irrelevant. However, stats are important for an aftermath (especially after a loss) and to identify the areas Andy needs to focus on. It's crucial in fact.
But MH, Gnome or anyone can have his or her opinion, really. I don't think either party should call it on each other as long as they are simply relating to what or how they feel and not getting personal. That's where I'd draw the line. No point calling a person tool just because you don't agree with that person. Unless of course you are teasing but that's a different take.
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ATP Level
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 07:01 pm »
All this talk of Andy being tired by his long matches and the timing has reminded me of something I saw about ballet a while ago. They were making the dancers rehearse when tired, as they thought it was an important way of making them know instinctively what to do when tired as they would be during a performance. Also something about muscle memory and all that stuff, rather than intellectualising it all.
Whether by accident or design, it may be good for Andy's clay game in the longer term, to be playing when tired. It's more a roller coaster for us, and his late finish last night will make him less fresh for tonight, but it could help him to feel more comfortable and at home moving on the red dirt.
I also wonder if this was part of the thinking behind making Andy work so hard in MC with double sessions of training then practice sets. Or it could just be a coincidence and I could be completely wrong. Hopefully Andy was just tired enough to learn to do things instinctively, but not so tired he doesn't have the energy to put it into practice!
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 08:04 pm »
Quote from: The Gnome on May 10, 2013, 02:41 pm
I was going to write a long post pointing out the many flaws in your post and why calling people a tool on the internet tantamounts to making yourself look a bigger tool, but i will just lol instead
Quite an idiotic post from you really, and as Fiverlings has already pointed out, the discussion of stats is only pertinent after the match not during, constant posts from you during a match regarding this stat and that stat are completely useless at the time, or maybe you think Andy should have a 10 minute break during the match so he can ask his coach while he is failing to convert his break points? or do you think Murray does it on purpose to wind you up?
Well done on completely and utterly missing the point. You seem to do this quite often.
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Grand Slam Champion
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 08:11 pm »
It's alright Andy, you won the match so there is no areas you need to improve on at all, let's not bother looking at the stats. Just carry on playing like that, scraping wins against the likes of Simon and you'll be sure to beat everyone in your path.
Remember, all you have to do is win the last point (**** me isn't that cliché getting painfully tedious?) and everything else is irrelevant. Forgetting of course that they are relevant in order to get to a position to 'win the last point' anyway.
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 08:17 pm »
I was out last night and got in a t 2-6, 0-2. Clearly my return made all the difference lol
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The Gnome
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 10:32 pm »
Quote from: TheMadHatter on May 10, 2013, 08:04 pm
Well done on completely and utterly missing the point. You seem to do this quite often.
You really are full of yourself aren't you? like the Forums very own Federer, but it's all bluster, bottom line is you called somebody a name because they disagreed with you, that's what a child does - newsflash , you are not always correct, you miss the point entirely time and time again.
There's a dimension somewhere where i actually care what you think of me, but it's not this one.
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Grand Slam Champion
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Re: Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
« on: May 10, 2013, 10:37 pm »
Quote from: The Gnome on May 10, 2013, 10:32 pm
You really are full of yourself aren't you? like the Forums very own Federer, but it's all bluster, bottom line is you called somebody a name because they disagreed with you, that's what a child does - newsflash , you are not always correct, you miss the point entirely time and time again.
There's a dimension somewhere where i actually care what you think of me, but it's not this one.
The irony.
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Andy Talk
Madrid R3: Andy Murray vs Gilles Simon
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