*whoosh* again the point is missed entirely lol are you genuinely serious? your taking what i said about "Why do people insist on bringing up useless stats during a match" and turning into "it's ok Andy as long as you win that's all that matters" - how does you quoting his break point conversion this year compared to last year in any way relevant during a match? maybe i should have worded it better for the mentally impaired, something like "winning the last point IS ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME", there better? I'll let his backroom staff work on his game thanks, not you.
If it makes you happy to dissect his game ( as some on here are so quick to do) then apply for a job on his coaching staff and tell him how to become a perfect player, instruct him on how to play to your high expectations.
Tell you what, in the next match thread i'll discuss fishfingers and their overall place in society, just to bring an air of relevancy to the proceedings.
I''ll now lower myself to your standards,
You're a twat

Love it.