Posts: 4,461
Location: Beside the sea
Home is where the heart is!
Shut you up for most of the match, though, didn't it?  I was not near a computer.  Now why do I find that just a tad too convenient? Still, you were missed. That should make you feel even more fuzzy. 
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Futures Level
Posts: 639
Location: Shallowville - Mentalville sector - Lancaster
I jist push stuff araaaahhhhnnd
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Posts: 36,106
No, Andy did not lose just as you predicted. He showed the flair, skill and aggression that attracted everyones attention last year. He lost yes, but hes back to what we know hes capable of - its all a learning curve this year - he was playing the no. 5 in the world - the home favourite - on a surface chosen to favour his opponent. I hardly think hes lost in the way that you predicted.
Laura - you make the mistake of being far too intellegent for this poster... don't waste your time.. 
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Futures Level
Posts: 534
Location: Hampshire
Dinner not too cremated but it's all over...
Well played to Andy, glad he was showing more signs of being like himself than earlier this year. And more experience for him. Definitely a tall order to beat the world no5 and home favourite.
Hope he has an easier draw next tournament!!!
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John McEnroe
Posts: 17,951
Lol - hope your dinners ok!!  Yep, definitely hoping for a kinder draw next tournament - hes had some tough ones so far...
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is anyone there wits happenng
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Posts: 38,688
Location: Cambridge - New Zealand
I'd give up chocolate but I'm no quitter!
No suprises there then. Murray loses just as predicted. Was too busy watching an excellent match by Andy to notice Fuzzyballs comments, but this is all I've to say to him  I realise that this should really be in 'thought for the day' topic, but who cares!
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Challenger Level
Posts: 805
Location: Edinburgh
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brighton babe
Challenger Level
Posts: 1,443
Location: mentalville
Neue Jaffageschmack kuchen schlager Andy?
i thought Andy played good match considering he was playing the 5th best in the world! he definitley made Ljubicic work for it. never mind Andy it was still a great match 
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Posts: 56,007
fuzzyballs, whether he admits it or not, was no doubt very nervous throughout the match watching Andy get closer and closer to a possible win over a no5 world player.
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Challenger Level
Posts: 805
Location: Edinburgh
i thought Andy played good match considering he was playing the 5th best in the world! he definitley made Ljubicic work for it. never mind Andy it was still a great match  Yep, I think so too! I really hope he'll get e better draw in his next tournie. And now we've still got Henman. Come on Timmy!
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All those posts before were my Mum. Never cycled home from school so fast in my life. Collapsed on the sofa to see Andy win the last two points of the first set. It was a great match and he was so close. Can only bode well for the future I hope. I was getting really annoyed about all the fans cheering whenever Andy missed a first serve on an important point. Hope Tim can beat the Frenchie. Shame you couldn't find a computer Fuzzy, would have been good.
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Posts: 22,266
Location: UK
 That cartoon is hilarious...... As for Andy's match. Well i just got back home.. haven't read/seen anything.. just saw the article about it on MW.  Well looks like Andy had a great set first set.. although maybe it was just that Ljubicic had a bad set. Congrats to Andy in any case  You can't always win....
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ATP Level
Posts: 1,775
Location: Staffs/Shrops
Seriously guys let's put this into perspective. Ljubicic played a dreadful first set and lost. Once he picked up his game in the 2nd and 3rd it was all over. Andy played a good match. Too bad he lost, but it shows he's back to his best. Who knows, a few points here and there, and the match could of turned out different. What's more important is that he showed he was able to keep up with the 5th best player in the world. Well done Andy. I think today is the start of much success. // Edited, no insults please - Mark.
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John McEnroe
Posts: 17,951
Calm down!  Hes allowed an opinion - free speech and all that!
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