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Olympics QF: A Murray/D Evans vs T Fritz/T Paul


Tears in Dan‘s eyes, in Andy‘s eyes and in my eyes.
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Tears in Dan‘s eyes, in Andy‘s eyes and in my eyes.
Mine too.  Can't believe it's really all over now.
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The stats were really low for both sides. Only 4 aces total.
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Thanks for the memories
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End of a great era, see you in the Tennis Hall Of Fame Andy!!
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No more getting up in the middle of the night, no more planning days around Andy‘s matches, no more cursing with anger and jumping with joy. How will I miss all that! Thanks for all the emotional moments to Andy and thank you to you all here on MW for sharing yours.
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Thank you Andy Murray for everything. Thank you everyone on here for being able to share the journey with you all.
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Yes, thanks to all on MW over the years - it has been some ride.
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No more getting up in the middle of the night, no more planning days around Andy‘s matches, no more cursing with anger and jumping with joy. How will I miss all that! Thanks for all the emotional moments to Andy and thank you to you all here on MW for sharing yours.
My feelings exactly. I can't believe it's over. I know I'll never feel like that about another tennis player again. I think in this last match he just wanted it too badly and it actually made him play worse. Still, it was great they had that huge break-back game towards the end! A fabulous bit of excitement. I feel so bad for Dan, too—he clearly wanted to win for Andy just as much as for himself.
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3 Grand Slams
2 Olympic Golds
1 Olympic Silver
1 Davis Cup
41 Weeks at number 1

For all the drama, the joy, the highs, the lows, the fight, can I just say... Thank you Andy

And many thanks to everyone on the forum.  I'll miss yoi all.
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A match too far but he fought hard right to the end. Thanks for the long roller coaster ride Andy. Got me back into watching tennis when I hadn't followed it since Borg - McEnroe days as a kid. Even inspired an old wreck like me to get back out playing. It's going to be hard to keep following the tour with the same mix of hope and nail bitten excitement!
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Me too—this forum has been so special. It's always been a relief to have somewhere to go where people don't laugh at you for being an insane fan. Thanks everyone, and Aileen especially.
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It’s been a privilege supporting Andy all these years, since the days when he was a lanky teenager wearing Saltires on his wrists.

I’m at peace saying adios to his tennis career, because he has left no stone unturned for himself.

Looking forward to whatever he and his beautiful and supportive family decide on his future (maybe - in his own good time - a brilliant coach.)
He’s already said he didn’t enjoy commentating as some matches take so long ..haha..

Thanks for sharing the highs, lows, and everything inbetween dear MurrayWorlders.
Ive made special friends who are in my real life.
Special mention to Aileen , and of course Mark who started it all. xx  wub
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A huge thank you to you, Aileen for keeping us up to date, for being the heart of this forum. Is it too early to ask: what will happen from here?
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That was emotional. I knew I would cry.
All I can say is the best British sportsperson I've ever watched. I was very invested in Henman but when Murray came along I made a point of watching as many of his matches as I could. Part of a mispent youth I guess.
When he started winning masters series I had a feeling he might do it. I was so nervous at US 2012 that I went to bed and then woke up.
He is an absolute legend. Always a voice of reason. Embodies what it takes to be an elite sports person. But always humble and never afraid to be vulnerable.
Although the slams were enormous achievements, winning 14 masters is an unspoken one in its own right. Winning ATP Tour to cap off 2016 was the highlight for me. And coming back from hip surgery to play top 50 is remarkable what ever way we look at it.
I love him I really do. I hope he's happy and enjoys time with his family.
And coming here has been fun too. You're all a great bunch
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