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Henman v Federer


Glad that it's not only me.

Doesn't help though that I'm on the slowest laptop in the world! Rolling Eyes
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Maybe Roger has food poisoning  Think
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 Rolling Eyes Dear lawd, never let me hear that the Japanese are efficient.

What a grotty site and an even more frustrating scoreboard. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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They've started!  yay
30 0 to Fed
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A little too good there!
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Well yippededoodah. At least their names are on the scoreboard now.  Whistle

for small mercies let us be truly thankful.

Anyone know a site that shows each point? I've done a quick google, but no joy so far. Frown

EDIT And they're off, points being shown too. Very Happy
[ Last edit by hulahoop October 08, 2006, 05:45 am ] IP Logged

At last!

I think someone is peddling wildly to keep my internet connection going Rolling Eyes

Fedex held to love there!
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Well I'll say best of luck to Tim, give it all you've got! cmon yeah

I gotta go now, so I'll miss the rest of the match. Hopefully will come back to a shocking Tim win later... Wink
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So did Tim, well nearly Wink
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Yes Henman holds and refuses to be bageld
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Oh my computer is steadily making it's way towards the window it's so darn slow!

Tim putting his moves dance on Fedex a bit 40-30 to Rog.
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Oh well, Rog managed to hold that game but Tim made him work for it!

Rog 2 - 1 Tim

I'll be here for about 1/2 an hour and then I have to go and get tea on!  Rolling Eyes  Oh to be a mum!

cmon yeah Tim!
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 Crying or Very sad Broken already. C'mon Tim. forget your creaking joints

Oops, no he wasn't, silly me.
[ Last edit by hulahoop October 08, 2006, 05:53 am ] IP Logged

Crying or Very sad Broken already. C'mon Tim. forget your creaking joints

 confused Am I missing something?
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