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Exam results


Hey everyone, I'm back at last and congrats all of you on your results!
I got my results as well, average of 86 % on all my subjects, so I'm off to Edinburgh uni in a few weeks! Smile
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Nice work. Smile
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Hey everyone, I'm back at last and congrats all of you on your results!
I got my results as well, average of 86 % on all my subjects, so I'm off to Edinburgh uni in a few weeks! Smile

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Hey everyone, I'm back at last and congrats all of you on your results!
I got my results as well, average of 86 % on all my subjects, so I'm off to Edinburgh uni in a few weeks! Smile

Weyhey! clap
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well done Crookshanks
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Awesome! I thought you were going to do history originally? Smile

yeah i was until i had to send off some writing for the creative writing course which got accepted. And it got me thinking, would i rather be churning out essays on history or writing creatively?
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Thanks all of you! hug
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Hey everyone, I'm back at last and congrats all of you on your results!
I got my results as well, average of 86 % on all my subjects, so I'm off to Edinburgh uni in a few weeks! Smile

Mr. Green Great stuff.

Well done. What a brainy lot we have here on MW. Smile
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My results!  cmon yeah

P.E - B
Maths - C (At least I passed!)
Geography - A* (  shocking )
Citizenship - A
Science Double - BB (  shocking I expected to Fail! As I got moved down a set last year!)
R.E - B
English Language  - A
English Literature - B
GNVQ ICT - Distinction (which is the same as 4 A's! )

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Citizenship? Not heard of that one before Think

Congrats btw hug
[ Last edit by Mark August 23, 2007, 11:51 am ] IP Logged

Citizenship? Not heard of that one before Think

Congrats btw hug

Citizenship is PSHCE, basically teaches you how to be a good citizen, you have to answer questions on the government, and how you would handle situations and stuff...

Thanks Smile
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Well done Sarah!!! hug yay Celebration time!
These are mine - i'm dead happy considering i didn't take them seriously and thought i'd get Cs and Ds!!

English lit - A*
Physics - A* (WTF??)
RS - A*
French - A*
Maths - A (really close to the boundary apparently though - so might get remarked and see if i can get it up a bit)
Biology - A (ditto above)
Chemistry - A
Music - A
English - A

Very Happy Very Happy
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I would run down the street naked in celebration if I got straight As and Bs even at GCSE

Quoted just as a reminder. roflmao She can't back out now. yay
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Nice results, well done both of you. Smile

Out of interest, what kind of exam/assessment did you sit for P.E Sarah? As in, what was actually graded? (No idea as I never did any P.E that got marked in any way).
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Great results Sarah and Annie. Bet you're over the moon. Smile
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