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Gaming Talk


Yesssss  TWO ..... just like a hog on roller skates ....

Just give in and roll over gracefully Philip ... Whistle
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Yes. That will be my treat for all the hard work done this week.  Good excuse. lol

For me, to reduce the calories, I go for the fruit ice cream (can't quite remember the name although they are just frozen fruit juice + water) - got it "Sorbet"
[ Last edit by Philip June 17, 2010, 07:33 pm ] IP Logged

Wish I hadn't looked at your link now ........... about to get overwhelmed with desire for a LO-CAL choc ice !!

Recently heard that we, as individuals, can only work on around 50% of our fat problem .... the other 50% is down to genetics ..

I better stop talking about this ... I am soooo off topic ... woops (sorry)
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Oops, sorry.  Yes. Good idea. Let's blame it on our genes lol  My genes are making me play computer games  lol
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Girls get revenge over the way we treat them in online gaming Very Happy

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Ooh.  Isn't that politically incorrect lol.
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Playing Civilization Revolution.

Incredibly addictive.
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Strategy.  Now that sounds like my kind of game Smile.   Turn based where I can plan every moves for world domination.  I will keep this in mind when I buy a PS3.

Did you play Master of Orion previously James ?  It was similarly addictive.
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Strategy.  Now that sounds like my kind of game Smile.   Turn based where I can plan every moves for world domination.  I will keep this in mind when I buy a PS3.

Did you play Master of Orion previously James ?  It was similarly addictive.

Sorry, missed this post.

No, never played it, mate. What's it like?
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It is really fun if you enjoy strategy, trading, military conquest.

This site gives a pretty good idea of the latest MOO III.  I only played MOO1 a long time ago.
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lol  This reminds me of a video I saw called the Mootrix but I can't find it.
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This is cute. My toon from Final Fantasy XIV.

* Clydey.jpg (381.99 KB, 1920x1080 - viewed 254 times.)

* Clydey2.jpg (359.96 KB, 1920x1080 - viewed 248 times.)
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My video was much cuter.
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Cats must know how cute they are.
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