The initial, ahem, entry part isn't too bad, surprisingly. It's when they force the camera through your prostate.
I'm sweating as I type this.
OMG Nigel......I'm sweating just reading this and I haven't even got a prostrate!

Sorry to hear of your recent troubles sweetie! I can relate to the hernias as I have two myself, one of which can push through to my ribs if I bend awkwardly, They didn't do anything at the time....telling me it shouldn't be a problem if I keep my weight down and be careful when bending! I was only in my early 30s at the time and I so wish I'd had it repaired then! I haven't had a problem with it for years, but I worry it could happen again anytime! The acid reflux can be helped by sleeping propped up, but I know that's not the most comfortable way to sleep! It just depends on what you think is the lesser of the two evils! One of those V shaped pillows might help though! My sister has to have one sometimes and she says they're really good!