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Misplaced Gloating (a thread for word lovers)


So here it is.

As one of the Devon River Poets, James Turner, said in one of his poems about how a politican was so successful...

"I've got a way with words, he said,
I've got away with murder too"
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Too Bloody True!
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Love the new thread! Smile  Thanks ATS Smile  Nice to see you Littlebuddha Smile
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Sorry can't resist another politician joke -

How can you tell when a politician is lying?

His lips are moving.
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^  lol - I hadn't ever heard that before!
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There was a poster at a junior school where I once worked.  It said in capital letters the word


and underneath that word it said:

There is no "I" in "Team" ...

I always thought it was quite good, but I don't think it was maybe all that good really!
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I like this quote about words -

"I love writing.  I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions."
James Michener
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Nice, Aileen. Not heard that one.
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The team one is good, a bit like the Sunday School one -

God is Good
The devil is (d)EVIL

or similar
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That one's very good - The devil is (d)EVIL
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I found this one online - I couldn't think of one out of my head  shocking

But it's quite nice, I don't know who said it or if someone wrote it, but anyway ....

Time moves in one direction
Memory in another
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Funny how you come across stuff like that, then when you want to remember it you can't!
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I sought the below thinking it was about memory/the mind, but it isn't.

"It seems my soul is like a filthy pond, wherein fish die soon, and frogs live long." (Thomas Fuller)
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I was trying to stay online for the womens AO RTR, but I'm rather tired, so I'm not here !  shocking lol
Bye for now, see you both soon, ATS and Aileen Smile
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I sought the below thinking it was about memory/the mind, but it isn't.

"It seems my soul is like a filthy pond, wherein fish die soon, and frogs live long." (Thomas Fuller)
That's a strange one, particularly as, contrary to popular belief, frogs do not thrive in dirty water but are very prone to getting infections from the bacteria present which usually kill them.  However as that was written in the 17th century then they wouldn't have known that.

I'm not quite sure what he's talking about, although the quote continues -

"Lord, raze this profane jest out of my memory. Leave not a letter thereof behind, lest my corruption (an apt scholar) guess it out again; and be pleased to write some pious meditation in the place thereof."
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