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^ Interesting find.  Hopefully somebody in the real world will discover what they are.
David Ike maybe  Think
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: David Ike maybe  Think
or Mystic Meg ...
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or Mystic Meg ...
Our Boogs would definitely know. lol
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nah I don't think that's quite his scene.
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nah I don't think that's quite his scene.
It’s just when you mentioned Mystic Meg, I thought of someone’s whose head is mostly in the clouds.
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It’s just when you mentioned Mystic Meg, I thought of someone’s whose head is mostly in the clouds.
Except he thinks that everyone else's is.
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I bet he’s isolating with LB  roflmao
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Now that would be something to behold!!!
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Now that's an isolation that wouldn't last five minutes!
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It's still funny trying to imagine it though.
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Now that's an isolation that wouldn't last five minutes!

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Not sure how to respond to this, do I go with ‘no shit Sherlock’ or respond with a comment about the value of the arts and humanities?

* C5B37F3C-D83B-43B8-97D9-E3FC28717C2E.jpeg (164.54 KB. 720x1560 - viewed 384 times.)

Needless to say, if this postdoc had paid attention in a few of his literature, history, geography or art classes in high school he wouldn’t have needed to build a machine to tell the world something we already knew to be the case.  doh

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^ That’s hilarious and he’/she’s a Post Doc??
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In terms of AI/machine learning it is an important development that the machine is able to identify this, but both Princeton and the media is focusing on reporting that the machine has discovered or proved something which humans already knew without needing a machine.
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^ I think you should get back and tell the postdoc that because his/her statement is sending out the wrong message.
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