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Off-topic discussions


That's understating it. If we ever all met up, there'd be a bloody brawl.

Yeah I've already made the promise to myself that when I meet up with Veronica, Julia, James and Andrew I'm not going to raise God or Christianity lol The others might enjoy the front row seats to James and I arguing in person though Very Happy
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Dude!!! Pull the cork out!!! My English is just fine thank you and I'll abuse it when and how I please!!! HenmAn was a pusher who's only claim to fame as a tennis player, was that he was the "only" Brit who could swing a racket at the time, although it seemed more like he was chopping trees than strategic gamesmenship!!! Time for your tea!!! Sure he's on TV who else you got?
Please do not address me as dude.  If you met me face to face in the street I doubt you would have the courage to converse with such disrespect, so why do it here on a public forum. "Sure he's on TV who else you got?".  Your admitted abuse of the English language leaves me quite confused, as I have no idea what you're saying.  Perhaps you can enlighten me.  BTW, in my circle we don't have tea!
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Please do not address me as dude.  If you met me face to face in the street I doubt you would have the courage to converse with such disrespect, so why do it here on a public forum. "Sure he's on TV who else you got?".  Your admitted abuse of the English language leaves me quite confused, as I have no idea what you're saying.  Perhaps you can enlighten me.  BTW, in my circle we don't have tea!
No dis-respect there! While you may not "like" to be addressed as "Dude" you exhibit all the classic symptoms which epitomize the term. AND!!! If you knew me, you would know that I WOULD have the courage to say to you, "Dude, lighten up!" Even while wearing your crown!!! I don't understand why you think I would not? Would it be your gracious appearance, your superior carriage, obviously elevated status?  What would inhibit my opinion of you based on these initial comments of yours?
Finally....With your superior knowledge of the language, I should not have to point out the obvious!!!
Sorry, I'm off topic here but interested.......
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James is harmless in real life.
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James is harmless in real life.

hug Yep a big cuddly teddy bear tender
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Right I am going to reply to all the comments being made about me and I do not intend to say anthing further.  Do you know why I was antagonistic as you say, not me, why because certain people on this forum do not like my points of view. But when it comes to it you are a gang of bullies. Obviously you are all old members of this forum (That is all to obvious). After I posted certain people became nasty and even egged
on someone who strongly was against what he said.  This was done deliberately then it became a free for all. As for a certain person she has tried once already to get me banned because she obviously did not like me. She put up a list the other day. I do not think she is as inocent as people think. It appears as though she thinks butter would not melt in her mouth.  You all seem to think people are not entitled to their points of view fair enough. But at least I have the courage of my convictions and I certainly do not run away from an arguement or try to have other people banned. I have already to told this person
I am not interested in anything she has to say. Maybe I should make my avatar a little devil. You have already made up your minds about me. How sad.

You're such a whining little victim - it appears that people 'gang up on' and 'bully' you on here because you relentlessly peddle this line about the English and Westminister (blatant trolling there by persistently spelling that wrong, by the way). It's a tiresome and ignorant argument, so it's likely that numerous people will take issue with it. Yes, we don't like your views, but not because we're bullies - it's because you talk rubbish. This is a discussion forum and once you put such antagonistic views in the open, you have no right to complain or play the victim when they are countered or rubbished.

If you don't like it here, you know where the exit is. You're possibly the most boring poster on here since George and his stream-of-consciousness diatribes.
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 You're possibly the most boring poster on here since George and his stream-of-consciousness diatribes.

Oh George lol That was a fun period Very Happy
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What would inhibit my opinion of you based on these initial comments of yours?
Finally....With your superior knowledge of the language, I should not have to point out the obvious!!!
Sorry, I'm off topic here but interested.......
A female senior citizen.  Obviously the type of person you prefer to bully !!
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Right I am going to reply to all the comments being made about me and I do not intend to say anthing further.  Do you know why I was antagonistic as you say, not me, why because certain people on this forum do not like my points of view. But when it comes to it you are a gang of bullies. Obviously you are all old members of this forum (That is all to obvious). After I posted certain people became nasty and even egged
on someone who strongly was against what he said.  This was done deliberately then it became a free for all. As for a certain person she has tried once already to get me banned because she obviously did not like me. She put up a list the other day. I do not think she is as inocent as people think. It appears as though she thinks butter would not melt in her mouth.  You all seem to think people are not entitled to their points of view fair enough. But at least I have the courage of my convictions and I certainly do not run away from an arguement or try to have other people banned. I have already to told this person
I am not interested in anything she has to say. Maybe I should make my avatar a little devil. You have already made up your minds about me. How sad.
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A female senior citizen.  Obviously the type of person you prefer to bully !!

Oh wow, that old trump card! Rolling Eyes
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Look who is trying to be smart. It does not recommend you at all. But however it just sour milk.
I wondered when you would pipe up Joe. Could you not wait to be nasty again. You have proved my point a nasy little  piece of work. Who waited to see how many people would take your side. No wonder this forum
cant keep new members. If you keep it up you will not have anyone new just the same old bunch who fall into line. Who the hell is George, someone else you did not like
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Look who is trying to be smart. It does not recommend you at all. But however it just sour milk.
I wondered when you would pipe up Joe. Could you not wait to be nasty again. You have proved my point a nasy little  piece of work. Who waited to see how many people would take your side. No wonder this forum
cant keep new members. If you keep it up you will not have anyone new just the same old bunch who fall into line. Who the hell is George, someone else you did not like

Okay you've made it clear. You think we're scum. Right don't lower yourself by continuing to interact with us then!
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Who said you were scum do not put words in my mouth.
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Look who is trying to be smart. It does not recommend you at all. But however it just sour milk.
I wondered when you would pipe up Joe. Could you not wait to be nasty again. You have proved my point a nasy little  piece of work. Who waited to see how many people would take your side. No wonder this forum
cant keep new members. If you keep it up you will not have anyone new just the same old bunch who fall into line. Who the hell is George, someone else you did not like

Yeah, really nasty. An awful, awful person. yawn
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