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Off-topic discussions


Coz I'm f**king sick of being attacked Julia! I can't say anything without backlash!! I'm starting to think it's all a plan to get me to feel unwelcome and f**k off coz I can't say any thing right. It's f**king bull sh*t!!!
But everyone assumes its bad coz I'm the f**king bitch around here.  Christ, this place used to be fun!
Amy, you aren't the only person on MW who feels like this - quite a few members have been complaining for a while now about getting the same treatment.  This forum should be a fun place, but it's obvious that there are some who are determined to make it otherwise.
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I am beginning to think Andy should just say to all his critics "GO TO HELL" it does not matter what he says or does he cant win. So why bother I get really angry.  I have been told by other member on this forum I am antagonistic.  It seems you are not allowed to have any point of view contrary to others on the forum.
I agree with Aileen you may not agree with what I say but you feel like she says you are being bullied
and not for the first time.

Mod NoticeMoved from news article to here. Let's keep all ageism and bullying accusations in one place.
[ Last edit by Mark July 13, 2011, 01:19 pm ] IP Logged

I agree if you hold different view to thers on the forum you are termed as antagonistic. Last time it was two different members. The first time it was one person who went out of her way. It is obvous that new members may have different points of view. It also appears if you are "older" they seem to think you are incapable of expressing your view point. Enough said dont express yourself or you will be branded as a trouble maker.
[ Last edit by Littlebuddha July 13, 2011, 12:35 pm ] IP Logged

Gotta say I agree to that last sentence, and aileen I agree with you too.
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This place hasn't been fun since 2007, those days are long gone. Very Happy
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I just want to point out that these ageist accusations go both ways but it seems easier to play the victim if you're older because that is typically the side that receives ageism in our society. But in this forum, I've seen young people have their opinions rudely dismissed purely because of their age.
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Who joined in 2007 to make the fun disappear? Think
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I just want to point out that these ageist accusations go both ways but it seems easier to play the victim if you're older because that is typically the side that is on the receiving of ageism in our society. But I've seen young people on this forum have their opinions dismissed purely because of their age which is quite upsetting.
I think I'm too old to be classed as young and too young to be classed as old, does that mean I can get upset for any ageism from both the young and the old group?  w00t
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But in this forum, I've seen young people have their opinions rudely dismissed purely because of their age.

Some of the younger members seem to feel like they have prove themselves to the older lot and there in have little respect for their elders, I feel.
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Mod NoticeJust a note to everyone... all posts bringing up these accusations, which so far no one has provided evidence for, will be moved to here. These comments obviously lead to arguments and having that all over the forum will cause disruption, so let's contain it here.
[ Last edit by Mark July 13, 2011, 01:29 pm ] IP Logged

I think I'm too old to be classed as young and too young to be classed as old, does that mean I can get upset for any ageism from both the young and the old group?  w00t
Me too KK.......too old to be called young, but too young to be called old!
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Some of the younger members seem to feel like they have prove themselves to the older lot and there in have little respect for their elders, I feel.

What does that mean though? Why should someone automatically have my respect? Respect has to be earnt.
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I'm making no further comments, i'll just forsee the future and except I'm the bady.
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Coz I'm f**king sick of being attacked Julia! I can't say anything without backlash!! I'm starting to think it's all a plan to get me to feel unwelcome and f**k off coz I can't say any thing right. It's f**king bull sh*t!!!

Is this aimed at me?!

MW hasn't been fun for a veeeeeeery long time, I agree, Andrew. It used to be so friendly that most of the regulars had met in person, not happening as much these days... apart from next week, yaldy! Very Happy
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MW had its greatest fun factor when Andy was in a constant uphill trend. The moment his progress started to plateau, this place became a more hostile.

I think that in general it's a friendly place but when Andy is not on tour, it turns into a battleground.
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