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Off-topic discussions
(Read 489376 times)
World No 1
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:15 pm »
Quote from: Clydey on September 27, 2010, 11:15 pm
I don't have floppy ears. That's just my bunny.
You have floppy ears. Hush and go play some PS3.
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Grand Slam Champion
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:15 pm »
Quote from: Clydey on September 27, 2010, 11:15 pm
I don't have floppy ears. That's just my bunny.
So mr care to give you're view on my moral compass?
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:17 pm »
Quote from: HazelMP on September 27, 2010, 11:15 pm
So mr care to give you're view on my moral compass?
Christ himself is a moral black hole by comparison.
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Grand Slam Champion
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:19 pm »
Quote from: Clydey on September 27, 2010, 11:17 pm
Christ himself is a moral black hole by comparison.
Hmm exaggeration of all time there but
for the sentiment if there's even a tad of sincerity in it
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:22 pm »
Quote from: HazelMP on September 27, 2010, 11:19 pm
Hmm exaggeration of all time there but
for the sentiment if there's even a tad of sincerity in it
What is your biggest sin?
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Grand Slam Champion
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:32 pm »
Quote from: Clydey on September 27, 2010, 11:22 pm
What is your biggest sin?
My lack of ability to let go of a grudge and my cynicism probably, or at least there the one's at the top of my mind
also that I find it really hard to completely trust everything to God. I know he is completely trustworthy and my life would be better if I did but it's almost impossible for anyone to completely do it, and it's one of the things I find hardest.
I'm to love, trust and obey God and to love others as Christ loved me. I can do the loving God part, but by physically showing that through trusting and obeying is more difficult. As for loving others, I can be very judgemental and cynical when I should be supporting and encouraging them
My biggest temptation is to let loose and abandon the whole chastity thing
I won't because I know who big the consequences would be in terms of my guilt and sin, even though I know God would forgive me, but that line would lead to deliberately choosing to disobey God and I couldn't do that. But that doesn't mean that sometimes I don't struggle with it and want to just go out and hook up with some guy
As I've said before, when I end up with the guy I'm meant to be with the sex better be good and plentiful as a reward for my patience
Honest enough?
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:37 pm »
Quote from: HazelMP on September 27, 2010, 11:32 pm
My lack of ability to let go of a grudge and my cynicism probably, or at least there the one's at the top of my mind
also that I find it really hard to completely trust everything to God. I know he is completely trustworthy and my life would be better if I did but it's almost impossible for anyone to completely do it, and it's one of the things I find hardest.
I'm to love, trust and obey God and to love others as Christ loved me. I can do the loving God part, but by physically showing that through trusting and obeying is more difficult. As for loving others, I can be very judgemental and cynical when I should be supporting and encouraging them
My biggest temptation is to let loose and abandon the whole chastity thing
I won't because I know who big the consequences would be in terms of my guilt and sin, even though I know God would forgive me, but that line would lead to deliberately choosing to disobey God and I couldn't do that. But that doesn't mean that sometimes I don't struggle with it and want to just go out and hook up with some guy
As I've said before, when I end up with the guy I'm meant to be with the sex better be good and plentiful as a reward for my patience
Honest enough?
You find it hard to let go of a grudge? That isn't my impression. On the contrary, I'd have said that you are too forgiving. I would also say the same about myself.
How would you react if the sex was terrible?
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Grand Slam Champion
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:41 pm »
Quote from: Clydey on September 27, 2010, 11:37 pm
You find it hard to let go of a grudge? That isn't my impression. On the contrary, I'd have said that you are too forgiving. I would also say the same about myself.
How would you react if the sex was terrible?
I suppose on here I can be more of the person I want to be all the time
Actually with most folk I am really forgiving, just more having issues with a select group of people in my church at the moment who I have various issues which, that I'm finding it hard to let go of...but to them I probably seem the same, not obviously having a go at them
But internally is different matter
If the sex was terrible...well I'd just have to train him then
all the advice and knowledge gained from friends and magazines over the years would be put into practice
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Grand Slam Champion
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:42 pm »
Quote from: Aileen on September 27, 2010, 11:39 pm
Sorry to change the subect, but I'd like to think that mouse was the one that's been rummaging round my kitchen for weeks.!
yeah was actually thinking this was kinda off topic and probably needs moved to randomness
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:45 pm »
Quote from: HazelMP on September 27, 2010, 11:41 pm
I suppose on here I can be more of the person I want to be all the time
Actually with most folk I am really forgiving, just more having issues with a select group of people in my church at the moment who I have various issues which, that I'm finding it hard to let go of...but to them I probably seem the same, not obviously having a go at them
But internally is different matter
And those issues are?
If the sex was terrible...well I'd just have to train him then
all the advice and knowledge gained from friends and magazines over the years would be put into practice
So your faith wouldn't be shaken if he just humped away aimlessly?
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Grand Slam Champion
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 28, 2010, 12:00 am »
Quote from: Clydey on September 27, 2010, 11:45 pm
And those issues are?
So your faith wouldn't be shaken if he just humped away aimlessly?
It's fine, any guy I end up marrying is going to have to be someone open to us chatting about these things before we get married
So hopefully both our issues and expectations will be out in the open before the deed. I'm also going with lasting love with a great deal of attraction and desire for each other to play a vital role too
The issues are complex and in some of them I know that I can't really comment as I'm not perfect either...but I can't help it at times. Mostly with the views of some people who view being a christian as being a Sunday morning thing and don't get involved in the various events and things in the church, despite the constant need for more helpers in most groups etc.
Others it's just that they've let power and a business/secular model of what the church should be overcome the fact that we're meant to be humble and loving, especially if their in positions of leadership
There's a phrase used by a few that drives me and my mum mad 'but it's not my responsibility' everything has to fit into it's own little 'department' and they won't step over the line and help out because it's not their 'job' and at the same time bit off your head if you think you're encroaching on their territory
It's not the view of the majority and definitely not of the minister and his wife and there's a lot being done to change it, but it rankles when my view is, that we're all just to muck in and help one another. Yes people need to have leadership positions and be the ones that know what's happening in certain areas but we should all be able to help each other and expect the unconditional help of others rather then their criticism or 'I'm too busy' line.
Of course this is only my view and I'll admit that there's probably at least a few who have issues with me and my attitude too
Some of it's also to do with being home, not being where I want to be and not knowing what's happening next which makes me frustrated and more critical and sharp because of it
Thankfully I have my mum and friends to help and the various activities I help with to try and keep me sane and focusing on serving God rather than attempting to set myself in place of God as judge over others
The Church is never perfect, it's made up of people
There's an old brethren saying 'If you find the perfect church, don't join it, because you'll just ruin it.'
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Posts: 56,007
Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 28, 2010, 12:06 am »
Hazel, do you see yourself being very adventurous and experimental in bed etc?
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John McEnroe
Posts: 16,715
Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 28, 2010, 12:08 am »
You can only really learn about sex by having it.
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 28, 2010, 12:10 am »
Yeah with some of it but for example, I think a girl can learn how to go down on a guy really well without actually doing it.
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Grand Slam Champion
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Re: Off-topic discussions
« on: September 28, 2010, 12:21 am »
Quote from: Mark on September 28, 2010, 12:06 am
Hazel, do you see yourself being very adventurous and experimental in bed etc?
Thanks for moving this btw
I'd hope so, think I will be. However, for all I sound like the horny frustrated virgin at the moment
I know that for me to actually be that open and honest about what I want then it will only be because I am so in love with him that I want to experience all I can with him, in the both of us finding pleasure in each other and finding pleasure in pleasuring each other too
Corny as it sounds I hope never to have sex but only to make love...though that does not mean it will always be slow and tender, but in all of it there will be the declaration of our love for each other and joy in each others bodies and being 'of one flesh' in God's eyes (quite literally really!)
Well at least that what I'm praying for anyway
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