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 If the referendum were held now, how would you vote?
YES to independence
NO to independence
Don't know

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Scottish politics


Leaflets, leaflets and more leaflets.  Well I suppose all the parties are contributing to recycling depots everywhere.

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To be fair there is a fair bit of diversity in the specific racist tendencies of the candidates so far, as well as variety in their histories of ethical and criminal violations   Smile
I'm not doubting that.  It's how the ones without any political experience might cope with an election campaign that I was thinking of, although no doubt they'll get some kind of 'coaching'.

Leaflets, leaflets and more leaflets.  Well I suppose all the parties are contributing to recycling depots everywhere.
Very true, but I suppose they feel they have to compensate for the fact that door to door canvassing can't take place.
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I suppose that’s true.  A leaflet is better than a clipboard/rosette carrying canvasser at the door!
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I got a leaflet today from my local Tory candidate and even it had references to independence in it!  I'd have thought it would have made more sense to do what most candidates do which is to focus entirely on how their party could help the community rather than bringing national events into it.  Obsessed comes to mind here, although as this isn't usually an SNP friendly constituency maybe he felt he had to push the point.
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I got a leaflet today from my local Tory candidate and even it had references to independence in it!  I'd have thought it would have made more sense to do what most candidates do which is to focus entirely on how their party could help the community rather than bringing national events into it.  Obsessed comes to mind here, although as this isn't usually an SNP friendly constituency maybe he felt he had to push the point.

Our SNP candidate is our current Councillor and she has been tremendous with how she has fought for the locality -fighting a local school closure  getting a kids play park put in, with a separate dog walking park so there are two designated areas - better street lighting , all quite small things but important to the area.   She is always accessible has kept visible during Covid with on line meetings and surgeries.   My mantra has always been to vote Councillors in based on what they do for the area and now she is standing as an MSP just a bonus she’s SNP   
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Our SNP candidate is our current Councillor and she has been tremendous with how she has fought for the locality -fighting a local school closure  getting a kids play park put in, with a separate dog walking park so there are two designated areas - better street lighting , all quite small things but important to the area.   She is always accessible has kept visible during Covid with on line meetings and surgeries.   My mantra has always been to vote Councillors in based on what they do for the area and now she is standing as an MSP just a bonus she’s SNP   
You're indeed very lucky.  I've never even heard of mine but having looked her up her only experience has been in the hospitality and tourism sector, although she does pride herself on speaking Chinese, French and Spanish reasonably fluently so hopes that other candidates will join her in reaching out to speakers of all the different languages in our country because she knows how important international connections and languages are to our economy.  It'll certainly be very interesting to see what she has to say in her leaflet, but for moment voting for her sounds like a wasted vote.

In fact looking at the list the only one with any political experience, apart from the current Labour incumbent who's been largely conspicuous by his absence, is the LibDem candidate, a QC who is apparently highly regarded as a human rights lawyer and who represented this constituency as a councillor for 8 years.  He also joined the campaign that resulted in the creation of the Scottish Parliament.  Well I have voted LibDem in the past before turning to the SNP, so we'll see.  I'll definitely vote for the SNP on the regional list though.
[ Last edit by Aileen April 01, 2021, 07:56 pm ] IP Logged

Alba have polled at 3%, not a great start considering how much media coverage they've had...
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Alba have polled at 3%, not a great start considering how much media coverage they've had...
That's welcome news!
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Nice one Nicola giving the nurses a 4.0/0 pay rise which they truly deserve just before the Scottish parliament broke up at midnight.
Well the latest news is that GMB Scotland are urging health workers not to accept it because, surprise, surprise, they don't think it's enough,
... And the latest news is that the RCN are urging them not to accept this offer because they want them to get a pay rise of 12.5% "for to the skill, responsibility and experience they demonstrate every day."  Pigs might fly, I think!
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If the Tories have any hope of doing well at the elections they should stop screaming about how they're going to stop independence with every leaflet they produce and tell us about a few of their policies.  I've got a couple of friends who are die-hard Tories and even they're fed up with it!
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If the Tories have any hope of doing well at the elections they should stop screaming about how they're going to stop independence with every leaflet they produce and tell us about a few of their policies.  I've got a couple of friends who are die-hard Tories and even they're fed up with it!

Its not irrational for them though. The unionist angle helped them become the second party in Scotland. Labour are trying to switch the focus to other issues - we'll see which strategy pays off....

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Its not irrational for them though. The unionist angle helped them become the second party in Scotland. Labour are trying to switch the focus to other issues - we'll see which strategy pays off....
I agree about Labour, so yes it will be interesting to see which tactic works better.
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Do you really think that the tories can pull the wool over the Scottish people's eyes? We may have been stupid at the last referendum but hopefully not this time. Boris Johnson is the best advert for independence ever, the man's arrogance is beyond belief.

Also, I see the tory wonder boy Ross is being replaced by Ruth Davidson as he has been totally ineffectual even the fishermen have turned against him as they have been told a pack of lies. He must be bad when Ruth Davidson has been called back to rally the tory faithful.

Boris could not care less about Scotland he just wants our resources and our money. I don't think he will show his face he well knows what kind of reception he will get or he will go to some wee village then run back to London.

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he just wants our resources and our money

Scotland is a net drain on the exchequer, and the high levels of Scottish public expenditure are subsidised by England.

Whatever Johnson wants with Scotland, is isn't "your" money or resources.

edit: for clarity, that's absolutely fine. That's part of being a single nation. More productive regions subsidise less productive regions, whether that be Cornwall or the Highlands.
[ Last edit by boogers April 06, 2021, 10:22 pm ] IP Logged

We may have been stupid at the last referendum but hopefully not this time.

Mmm, imagine if YES had won. We'd have had a triumphant sex pest in office to abuse his increased power for many more years.

Oh and the economic case he presented was later proven to have been untenable, given what happened to North Sea oil.

So I don't think the Scottish voters were stupid. They sussed what Sturgeon only recently owned up to regarding Salmond's tendency to make claims that don't bear scrutiny.
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