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The CHRISTMAS thread!


I definitely could not deal with that.  How disappointing - something going on in the psyche there.  Ooof  - be careful  hug
Totally.... Not going there.....  no
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Totally.... Not going there.....  no

Sorry on the one hand, but .... you just can't be too careful ... hug
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  Wheres Mo when I need her!! lol  She was a fan.

Aww...I loved Mo. Smile So sad when people don't come back.
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Loving this....In randomness you're discussing christmas trees and in the Christmas thread you're being random lol
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Loving this....In randomness you're discussing christmas trees and in the Christmas thread you're being random lol

How true!!! :P

I love MW
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Its so difficult to limit conversations to one special thread.
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Loving this....In randomness you're discussing christmas trees and in the Christmas thread you're being random lol

Stop picking on us .... Very Happy
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It's just funny, nothing wrong with it Smile

The tree is up!! yay
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As said in Randomess....

I hope to have the tree up here ASAP.
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Okay - I'm in the Christmas Thread

Is your tree decorated yet Elly?
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Decorated and looking fabby.... if I do say so myself.  Just love the smell of pine filling the room....  Smile
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Where's its picture then ^? Smile
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Where's its picture then ^? Smile
Well, there's a sad tale to tell.  My camera has gone missing.  The case is where it should be, but no camera.  One of my little darlings is responsible, but no-one is owning up.......  Eyebrow raise. 
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Well, could you take it with your phone ?? 

Time to put them in the Thrifty Nickel .... first thing ..... Free to good home ... Smile
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Exactly, because I only have one body.  Once I'm dead thats it, and I don't get any second body, so if theres something I want to do it has to be with this one .... obviously. 
Sounds like you meant to say "you only live once", that would make more sense.
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