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The CHRISTMAS thread!


I did wonder if the question was directed at me....  lol

The snow is lying on the ground.....  I love it....  yay 

The hamster is gnawing away at his cage as we speak.  He's grown his winter coat and has all these tufts of hair around him....  tender

Wear wellies to go to the Beauty place...... with thick, sexy socks!  Smile

Definitely NOT a snow person ......  I have oodles and oodles of the cutest sox you have ever seen ..... have a pink pair with eyes, ears and everything ..... so adorable .....  I love fancy sox ... can't see them under wellies though ..!
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Definitely NOT a snow person ......  I have oodles and oodles of the cutest sox you have ever seen ..... have a pink pair with eyes, ears and everything ..... so adorable .....  I love fancy sox ... can't see them under wellies though ..!
Not a fan of socks.  And as much as the snow is lovely, I'm a summer person.  Love the heat.....  Smile
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Not a fan of socks.  And as much as the snow is lovely, I'm a summer person.  Love the heat.....  Smile

I wear some purple crocs around the house and always wear sox with them ..... they're actually gents white sports sox which I cut the top two thirds off and just leave the slightly padded feet with a little bit round the ankle ..... now you're thinking I look like the local bag lady, right   lmao  One of these days I need to post a pic of myself .....
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For all of us DOG LOVERS ......

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That was so cute Daisy! Thanks for the link Smile
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If anyone is feeling rich, why not give your girlfriend a Golden Wii (lolz) for £300,000?

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I shall be expecting this on Christmas morning Wink
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Oh, kinky.
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IF someone gave me that....I'd just sell it. I have never played Wii
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Snow is falling all around me, children playing having fun
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It really is snowing looks beautiful!
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It really is snowing looks beautiful!
Here too, and it's lovely, but I'm a bit nervous as I have to drive tomorrow. Frown  I was laughing away at the wee boy next door, who told me he likes to throw snowballs, but not at people, only at the trees!  Smile  Bless...  tender
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Grrr, it snows for the first time in Glasgow the night before I'm supposed to go home... it's so icy. They better have it under control. Frown
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^  It's Scotland...... don't hold your breath......  Wink
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They said there'd be snow this christmas, they said there'd be peace on earth     (no snow, just glorious sunshine and nuf said about the other!)

All I was for Christmas is my boy to be well - has the most awful throat/mouth infection that has resulted him in being admitted to hospital as dehydrated :strecher: doctor hug 
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