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The future of British politics
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The future of British politics
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Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 02, 2020, 01:42 am »
Quote from: Caz on February 01, 2020, 10:01 pm
LOL...Young Greta is now Greta Inc! She now has a foundation like the one Clinton has apparently, though she says 'it's not about money'.....though it'll make her loads! Millions probably!
Meanwhile, lots of young people around the world are suffering from anxiety and depression because of the pure guff she is spouting....while Greta openly admits she enjoys what she's doing!
I agree. Also that video was very interesting, and so were the comments below it! As Abraham Lincoln allegedly once said "You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time".
The sad thing is that she's the one who's suffering from mental health problems - acute anxiety (it certainly isn't normal for a 17 year old to feel very frightened every day, which she says she does about her climate change beliefs), and depression, which according her father is what doing all this publicity stuff is helping. So you have to understand that this is what's leaving her wide open to being manipulated by others who have their own agenda - her parents? Climate change activists? Goodness knows. It helps them too that she's a natural actress. I've no idea how all this is going to end for her, but I doubt it'll be good.
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John McEnroe
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Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 02, 2020, 05:08 am »
Quote from: Caz on February 01, 2020, 10:01 pm
LOL...Young Greta is now Greta Inc! She now has a foundation like the one Clinton has apparently, though she says 'it's not about money'.....though it'll make her loads! Millions probably!
Meanwhile, lots of young people around the world are suffering from anxiety and depression because of the pure guff she is spouting....while Greta openly admits she enjoys what she's doing!
Of course it's about money.
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Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 02, 2020, 07:51 am »
Quote from: Caz on February 01, 2020, 06:13 pm
LOL....Of course climate change is real and has been for millions of years!
Yes, before the Illuminati even landed on earth right?
[ Last edit by althusser February 02, 2020, 08:20 am ]
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Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 02, 2020, 08:00 am »
Quote from: Caz on February 01, 2020, 10:01 pm
LOL...Young Greta is now Greta Inc! She now has a foundation like the one Clinton has apparently, though she says 'it's not about money'.....though it'll make her loads! Millions probably!
Meanwhile, lots of young people around the world are suffering from anxiety and depression because of the pure guff she is spouting....while Greta openly admits she enjoys what she's doing!
Nah her main effect seems to be touching a nerve with scientifically illiterate ranters.
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Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 02, 2020, 08:07 am »
Quote from: Aileen on February 02, 2020, 01:42 am
I agree. Also that video was very interesting, and so were the comments below it! As Abraham Lincoln allegedly once said "You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time".
The sad thing is that she's the one who's suffering from mental health problems - acute anxiety (it certainly isn't normal for a 17 year old to feel very frightened every day, which she says she does about her climate change beliefs), and depression, which according her father is what doing all this publicity stuff is helping. So you have to understand that this is what's leaving her wide open to being manipulated by others who have their own agenda - her parents? Climate change activists? Goodness knows. It helps them too that she's a natural actress. I've no idea how all this is going to end for her, but I doubt it'll be good.
So preoccupied with one 16 year old girl. I guess expressing apopleptic ad hominem against a teenage activist (mixed with faux concern) is easier than actually challenging the science on anthropegenic climate change.
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Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 02, 2020, 09:47 am »
Quote from: althusser on February 02, 2020, 08:07 am
So preoccupied with one 16 year old girl. I guess expressing apopleptic ad hominem against a teenage activist (mixed with faux concern) is easier than actually challenging the science on anthropegenic climate change.
She has managed to do what many politicians have done for a contrary cause which is to reduce the issue to a number of items rather than examine the true cause of why the planet is suffering. That is from greed and thoughtlessness. I recently saw a video clip with her posted on Facebook by some conscious ridden soul which made it appear that if we just planted trees it would solve the carbon/temperature rise problem. It is not that simple. However in a society where process wins over thought it is not surprising that so many are unable to understand a multi-faceted concept.
A different view:
Climate changes have occured over centuries but the issue now is anthropegenic climate change which is solely a consequence of human activity. Let us remember that the UK was probably several degrees hotter when the Romans were here as they grew grapes for wine in what is now England. Conditions do vary with time but Greta is right that humans are now the major problem. When I was young the Gulf Stream Drift that warmed the west coast of Scotland was consistent each year but it is no longer. Now we only talk of the Jet stream but more to see if our planes from America will arrive earlier! Strange priorities to me!
It is a popular concept to blame the Victorians for all ills in life and to an extent this is true for what has happened over climate and life around the planet. That is because human activity is the underlying cause and commerce and travel have escalated out of control as a result of changes started at that time. There is one word not apparently understood by people in this current society which is CONSEQUENCE. Please think every time you do anything what are the consequences in being able to do or have what you want.
The last fifty years I call the IT Civilisation. To me it is not a good approach to life. Beware as all Civilisations tended to die as they become too complex. They became empires which then become dictatorial and self-serving rather than benefit the people and eventually collapse. Sounds like the EU? The construction of global economies is the biggest problem. We should think about a less commercial self-sufficient society. Doughnut Economics should be adopted.
Aileen's quote from Lincoln was spot-on but we must remember that he was and we are all to some extent hypercrites. Some are turning Vegan but still remain materialistic and still buy and waste resources at a phenomenal rate. We have just been through Christmas. Look at what you bought and received carefully and try to justify that. It is us that dictate the throw-away attitude and global activity so damaging to the planet. END (as usual too long!)
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pseudo-liberal bogeyman, Unholy Trinity member
Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 02, 2020, 07:34 pm »
Remember this image of the EU Comision building in Brussels, Tweeted out by Sturgeon:
Well. Turns out that the projection was carried out by a Scottish company and paid for by the Scottish Government. Whoopsie.
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Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 03, 2020, 10:08 pm »
See the Dutch took down the Union Jack very appropriate at the moment and put up the Saltire good one.
Not the one you mention boogers can always depend on you for your anti- Scottish comments still true to form Can't say I missed your obnoxious comments.
See you haven't made any new year resolutions about being anti-Scottish. See your friend Boris is trying to win the Scots over by saying he is coming to Scotland, better get the rotten eggs to give him a right Scottish welcome.
He's wasting his time we know he is a liar.
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pseudo-liberal bogeyman, Unholy Trinity member
Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 03, 2020, 10:20 pm »
Even by your standards that's completely incomprehensible. Been on the white lightning fortified irn bru again?
Nationalism is a mugs game. Shame you're as brain addled as the worst Brexiteers.
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Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 04, 2020, 10:16 pm »
I rarely bother to post these now, but there's a fair bit about Scotland for anyone who's interested.
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Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 05, 2020, 04:22 am »
Quote from: althusser on February 02, 2020, 08:07 am
So preoccupied with one 16 year old girl. I guess expressing apopleptic ad hominem against a teenage activist (mixed with faux concern) is easier than actually challenging the science on anthropegenic climate change.
No Alt, my concern for her is genuine. It isn't healthy for any teenager to have so much power put into their hands, let alone one who's autistic and so is very vulnerable to being manipulated, in this case because of her own obsession with the subject, which I'm sure she is by those who have their own agenda, be it climate change or something else.
Quote from: marathonarthur on February 02, 2020, 09:47 am
She has managed to do what many politicians have done for a contrary cause which is to reduce the issue to a number of items rather than examine the true cause of why the planet is suffering. That is from greed and thoughtlessness. I recently saw a video clip with her posted on Facebook by some conscious ridden soul which made it appear that if we just planted trees it would solve the carbon/temperature rise problem. It is not that simple. However in a society where process wins over thought it is not surprising that so many are unable to understand a multi-faceted concept.
A different view:
Climate changes have occured over centuries but the issue now is anthropegenic climate change which is solely a consequence of human activity. Let us remember that the UK was probably several degrees hotter when the Romans were here as they grew grapes for wine in what is now England. Conditions do vary with time but Greta is right that humans are now the major problem. When I was young the Gulf Stream Drift that warmed the west coast of Scotland was consistent each year but it is no longer. Now we only talk of the Jet stream but more to see if our planes from America will arrive earlier! Strange priorities to me!
It is a popular concept to blame the Victorians for all ills in life and to an extent this is true for what has happened over climate and life around the planet. That is because human activity is the underlying cause and commerce and travel have escalated out of control as a result of changes started at that time. There is one word not apparently understood by people in this current society which is CONSEQUENCE. Please think every time you do anything what are the consequences in being able to do or have what you want.
The last fifty years I call the IT Civilisation. To me it is not a good approach to life. Beware as all Civilisations tended to die as they become too complex. They became empires which then become dictatorial and self-serving rather than benefit the people and eventually collapse. Sounds like the EU? The construction of global economies is the biggest problem. We should think about a less commercial self-sufficient society. Doughnut Economics should be adopted.
Aileen's quote from Lincoln was spot-on but we must remember that he was and we are all to some extent hypercrites. Some are turning Vegan but still remain materialistic and still buy and waste resources at a phenomenal rate. We have just been through Christmas. Look at what you bought and received carefully and try to justify that. It is us that dictate the throw-away attitude and global activity so damaging to the planet. END (as usual too long!)
Not too long for me, MA, and you've made some very interesting points too. I could argue with some of them but agree with most of them.
[ Last edit by Aileen February 05, 2020, 05:53 am ]
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I Conquer
Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 05, 2020, 06:13 am »
Quote from: Aileen on February 05, 2020, 04:22 am
No Alt, my concern for her is genuine. It isn't healthy for any teenager to have so much power put into their hands, let alone one who's autistic and so is very vulnerable to being manipulated, in this case because of her own obsession with the subject, which I'm sure she is by those who have their own agenda, be it climate change or something else.
You are of course free to make these speculations. But either way they don't change the science on anthropogenic climate change.
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Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 05, 2020, 10:27 pm »
Quote from: althusser on February 05, 2020, 06:13 am
You are of course free to make these speculations. But either way they don't change the science on anthropogenic climate change.
Al..... can you please explain what exactly is the science on anthropogenic climate change? you know what CO2 (carbon dioxide) is and exactly what it does? Do take your time, as I won't be available until at least tomorrow evening.
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I Conquer
Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 06, 2020, 12:31 am »
Quote from: Caz on February 05, 2020, 10:27 pm
Al..... can you please explain what exactly is the science on anthropogenic climate change?
Woke liberal data fakery plot to usher in communist world government
Quote from: Caz on February 05, 2020, 10:27 pm you know what CO2 (carbon dioxide) is and exactly what it does?
Bubbles for sodastream
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Re: The future of British politics
« on: February 06, 2020, 03:18 am »
Quote from: althusser on February 05, 2020, 06:13 am
You are of course free to make these speculations. But either way they don't change the science on anthropogenic climate change.
How condescending of you. However given that according to the dictionary anthropogenic means "
in human activity
", then, no, I don't believe that to be the case with climate change because climate change is a natural global occurrence which has been going on for millions of years, long before man even lit so much as a tiny fire to keep himself warm, and it's time that people realised this.
I see that cows are now getting the blame too for polluting the atmosphere because whenever they fart and defecate they're releasing 'harmful methane emissions'. Unfortunately when the climate changers have to resort to natural bodily functions to prove their point, then they really are scraping the bottom of the barrel. What's worse, the answer to the problem is apparently to produce a drug (scientists are indeed working on one) which will kill off the methane producing bacteria in the cow's gut. the trouble with this being that this drug, which will be injected, will then find its way into the cow's body, which in turn will be in the meat on our plate, along with antibiotics and god knows what other muck. Thankfully I stopped eating meat years ago!
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