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The future of British politics


^ Aileen, I will now leave this topic as I feel it is a difficult subject. I get mad with a lot of what is said. I just cannot believe some can be so superficial in their thinking. Better to stay quiet?

Small thought...

I think sometimes you can confuse the easily understood practical steps that experts may recommend in public (e.g. planting trees), with their actual scientific understanding of climate. There is no one in the field that thinks the issues reduce to CO2 emissions, for example.

As it stands it is a bit like someone criticising their  doctor for their 'simplistic' recommendation that they give up booze. That advice is likely to be based on in depth medical appreciation of a condition, but to help the patient they offer easily grasped lifestyle tips that don't depend on them neccessarily understanding the complex causation surrounding their illness.

...but anyway no matter, it might be time for us all  to get back to British politics! Smile
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...but anyway no matter, it might be time for us all  to get back to British politics! Smile
Good idea!   Maybe we might find some meat in the goings on at Westminster next week, particularly the government reshuffle which is expected to take place on Thursday -
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^ Althusser, One clarification.  I know that it is not often the scientists that are at fault.  It is the politicians and others that set out what we should do! Remember diesel cars being promoted and subsidised because they were better for gas emissions? That is what I call simplistic advice. Rather like your doctor knowing all the facts of a nervous disposition and recommending you take up smoking to calm you down?  
That's it on this subject from me too.  

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Sorry but these comments suggest that you don't have a basic grasp of the issues.  Some obvious clangers too e.g.  environmentalists want to radically reduce human contributions to atmospheric C02 levels  - NOT take all C02 out of the atmosphere!!

However I appreciate you taking time to express the points. When you do there is at least the chance for discussion, debate, clarification etc. Sticking up videos doesn't really help that unless you can also articulate key explanatory points from it yourself (if you can't, then you probably don't understand them, however appealing you might find their apparent conclusion).

Thank you Al, but I don't think there's any point in discussing climate change any further, as it makes absolutely no sense at all for them to cut CO2. However, having now seen what they do intend to cut, it should be clear to us all that ex reb was just the excuse to put that plan into action!
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Boris is once again floating the idea of building a bridge between Scotland and N Ireland despite earlier scepticism from engineers  and criticism of his mixed record on delivering bridges -

Given that this country is still feeling the austerity measures brought in over the past few years, not to mention the grossly underfunded NHS, shouldn't he be looking to spend these £bns on more relevant things than a bridge across the Irish Sea?   Of course I realise that, as always, he's no doubt seeking to appease the DUP, but why do so to the detriment of the rest of the country, and why the need to keep appeasing them anyway, particularly as he doesn't give a shit about Scotland and not a lot more about Wales? 


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Johnson has a massive majority, so the DUP are completely irrelevant.
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So Sturgeon was in Brussels today. Odd timing. Flooding causing catastrophic damage across the Borders, a hugely challenging budget process has no Cabinet Secretary for Finance guiding it... and the First Minister chose to to head to Brussels to pursue an agenda outwith her powers.

Nationalism. One hell of a drug.
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Nationalism. One hell of a drug.

Sure is.
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Johnson has a massive majority, so the DUP are completely irrelevant.
True, but, and that was really the main thrust of my post, that doesn't excuse the obscene sums of money, money which would do better going elsewhere, Boris wants to splash out on a relatively useless 20 mile long bridge which might be impossible to construct anyway.
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True, but, and that was really the main thrust of my post, that doesn't excuse the obscene sums of money, money which would do better going elsewhere, Boris wants to splash out on a relatively useless 20 mile long bridge which might be impossible to construct anyway.

It would definitely be very expensive and difficult to construct.  Maybe he has lots of money to throw around and is looking for popularity in Scotland and Northern Ireland?
I'd be surprised if this bridge were ever built.
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It would definitely be very expensive and difficult to construct.  Maybe he has lots of money to throw around and is looking for popularity in Scotland and Northern Ireland?
I'd be surprised if this bridge were ever built.
I very much doubt it myself.  Also if he's looking for popularity in Scotland then he'll have to do a great deal more than  waffle on about bridges!
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I very much doubt it myself.  Also if he's looking for popularity in Scotland then he'll have to do a great deal more than  waffle on about bridges!

He needs to cultivate a habit of listening - He should try to build some bridges rather than that expensive one between Scotland and N Ireland.
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I'm surprised there have been no comments on today's government reshuffle.  Or maybe it isn't worth commenting on? Shrug

Anyway I'll leave you with the thoughts of the inimitable John Crace -
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I'm surprised there have been no comments on today's government reshuffle.  Or maybe it isn't worth commenting on? Shrug

Well, I'm not too sorry to see the back of Javid, McVey and Loathsome.
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Well, I'm not too sorry to see the back of Javid, McVey and Loathsome.

"Loathsome" lol
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