spotted this on social media

Normal person: "So, we have record high taxes, a cost of living crisis, rising crime, falling productivity, out of control inflation, skyrocketing poverty, homelessness, and malnutrition. Wages are stagnant, bills are soaring, our exports have plummeted compared to other countries, businesses are going broke, educational standards are falling, - what do you think is the biggest problem facing our country at the moment?"
Conservative: "Why, wokeness, of course!"
Normal person: "O-o-o-o-k. What is wokeness?"
Conservative: "Its when, y'know, you get all these virtue signallers trying to make a black James Bond or a female Dr Who. All the gays and the trans on our films. And they made Ms Marvel a Muslim! Its political correctness, diversity quotas gone mad!"
NP: "So, with all the other challenges facing our country at the moment, you think that the race, gender, sexuality and religion of fictional characters is the most pressing?"
C: "Well, y'know. Its not just that. Its about free speech and shoving these ideologies and genders down our throat"
NP: "So, you are saying that - in the name of free speech - the LGBT community, non-Christian religions, and black and asian people should not be allowed on our screens?"
C: "Its cancel culture! They are trying to silence us!"
NP: "Who has been silenced?!"
C: "Well, y'know - JK Rowling, Jimmy Carr, Joe Rogan!"
NP: "You mean people who are paid, hosted and promoted by Hollywood, Netflix and Spotify?"
C: "You know what I mean - all these mobs trying to ban opinions they don't agree with!"
NP: "You mean like a conservative government which has banned protests, given itself powers to silence the print media and online content makers for publishing 'inconvenient' truths, is dictating which facts teachers and lecturers can and can't express, and has written new laws to allow it to silence anyone it doesn't like?"
C: "The woke lobby has completely taken over the mainstream media in this country, trying to shove their agenda down our throats!"
NP: "You mean the mainstream media like the Sun, the Telegraph, the Mail, the Express, the Star, and the Spectator, who all frequently publish articles attacking 'the woke'?"
C: "Well not them, obviously! They agree with me therefore don't count as mainstream media! No, I mean the BBC!"
NP: "You mean the BBC which has paid-up Tory party members employed as Director General and Chairman....