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The future of British politics


^ Althusser,

Read the printed words carefully next time and not try to shoot the messenger!  The electorate does not appoint the PM so the percent quoted is irrelevant as is what percentage of Scotland agrees with the wishes of a majority across the whole country. These ARE statistics that are irrelevant used inappropriately to substantiate an emotional response. Cannot you see that?  I can be wrong, as you can, but this time go back to that article and check the logic behind the statements please. I wonder if you are upset that you are wrong or that the truth just does not suit you?

Your own political leanings are well established MA. The funny thing is that in your own mind you are simply being 'objective', identifying 'the facts', 'the logic', telling 'the truth'.

(Robertson's article is mainly feeble knockabout imo)
[ Last edit by althusser September 07, 2022, 09:02 pm ] IP Logged

Seems that every PM is somehow taking over at an even harder point than the last. Pretty much any PM is screwed with this inflationary period followed by the yet 'nother impending recession.

Times are hard for too many. The people will rebel against the current establishment even if the alternatives are not going to help improve things. When people are not happy they call for change, regardless of what that change actual is. I doubt it really matters what she does or does not do.
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Sorry you’re feeling all trussed up.
We’ve got trueduh this side of the pond.
Then there’s all the rest of the wurld leeeeders…

Hi folks, how aboot Andy eh?  Hugs x
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amusingly bitter reaction from a spouse:
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I will say no more. I know I am far too arrogant about being correct. I do have political leanings but they tend to be away from nearly all the parties rather than towards any.

I will look in to see the reactions to whatever is revealed today by Liz Truss but stick to commenting on tennis. I am not expecting folk to be pleased with any proposal which we know will not likely include a second windfall tax. Public opinion seems mainly against her views on that.

I leave you with a thought. I have been reading about the promotion of the oil and gas industries by the  coalition government between 2010 and 2015. Vince Cable was the main man doing that. In the summary pages I found not one mention of climate change! What planet were they on?
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So the pound is being thumped. Can't think why after a mini-budget mix of voodoo economics and mountains of further borrowing.

Time to wheel out the Chaos with Ed Miliband meme.
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To be fair, the Pound has been thumped for the last six months and is still down less than the Euro in the same timeframe. This is mostly a story of Dollar strength.
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To be fair, the Pound has been thumped for the last six months and is still down less than the Euro in the same timeframe. This is mostly a story of Dollar strength.
Doing pretty shite here too.
Not quite as bad as you, ..yet…
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Hilarious watching the cod-Thatcherism blow up in their faces. Shame it screws us all, but....
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I don't know what "cod-Thatcherism" means but things are going a bit stupid just now.  Yesterday I heard Ken Clarke saying how much he liked the current Chanceller, but I don't think Clarke was keen on the "mini budget",
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Wonder if there is any precedent for articles like this appearing only days after a new PM is appointed?

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^ Can't read it because there's a paywall.
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Try this paywalls. Works most of the tome, but not on all websites.
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Tried it but it doesn't work for me.  I'll bear it in mind for the future though.
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Turns out Liz is Frit!! Smile
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