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The Movies


That's the one. Frown

I always win domestics which is why this is probably our biggest one in a good month... he knows to keep schtum Very Happy
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Just because you got menstrual because a shite film made you cry. Whistle
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Just because you got menstrual because a shite film made you cry. Whistle

Nothing like you getting menstrual over the SPL... no one knows what it is outside Scotland roflmao
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Julia, you'd be the first person I know that actually enjoyed that movie, just sayin.

Really looking forward to:

Captain America
Super 8
Battle: Los Angeles
Cowboys and Aliens
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I don't think you can enjoy a movie as sad as that, I was commenting on how surprised I was at the quality of acting... I would watch it again though, apparently there's loads of subtle things you miss Smile
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High Fidelity - brilliant, only film I've seen Jack Black put in a likeable performance.

Anyone read the book?
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Watching the Wedding Date for about the twentieth time.

Better than studying for precal, I guess.
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Just watched State of Play on DVD - very good, very tense Smile yes
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Thought that was pretty good too. Haven't seen the British series (not been on here) but hired the DVD of the US film.
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Yeah, I watched the US one. My mum said the series was better, but I defo enjoyed the film!
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I can't wait to see this movie - looks so funny and I loved Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz

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Just watched State of Play on DVD - very good, very tense Smile yes

I like a bit of Russell Crowe yes  I enjoyed the movie too and hadn't realised it was a tv series in the UK.
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Watching Taken, awesome film!
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Very Happy

* inception.jpg (66.74 KB, 540x897 - viewed 217 times.)
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