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TV Shows
(Read 302352 times)
World No 1
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Re: TV Shows
« on: January 02, 2020, 06:16 pm »
Quote from: Connor on January 02, 2020, 11:57 am
I liked maybe half of S11 but can't seem to be able to give Jodie the affection I'd give previous incarnations, such as Capaldi.
This though, was sensational. Set Part 2 up so well and made you want to watch on. It's seemingly truly back.
Series 11 was a mixed bag, but to be fair most DW series are, but the way Chibnall wrote the Doctor last year was vague and directionless. Things look like they are improving on that front. There are elements of this era I find too cluttered - too many companions and those massive crystal pillars crowding the Tardis for example.
Yesterday’s episode was a big step-up I thought, a lot of fun, looked great, big reveal, cliffhanger etc, but still a bit cluttered and still some unnecessary ‘cringe’ moments, and I’m always going to be pissed off about the binning of UNIT and the lack of Kate Stewart. That version of the character was created by Chibnall, I don’t understand why he’s so bent on ditching her.
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John McEnroe
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Re: TV Shows
« on: January 03, 2020, 05:39 am »
Quote from: blueberryhill on January 02, 2020, 06:29 am
"A Christmas Carol" was brilliance. A wonderful re-working and Guy Pearce was terrific.
I haven't watched it all yet, but it's very good. The atmosphere and the background (with the snowy streets and the carriage lights and the horses) are realistic and impressive.
Guy Pearce is definitely excellent.
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Top Seed
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Re: TV Shows
« on: January 04, 2020, 08:14 am »
Dr Who - saw it last night. Yes agree with everyone above, this episode really raised the level - felt kind of motion picture quality at times, great stuff.
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John McEnroe
Posts: 18,608
Re: TV Shows
« on: January 05, 2020, 12:14 pm »
I too enjoyed Dr Who. Especially like the two hour format, much better to allow a plot line to develop. Still think 3 companions is too many. Not enough for them all to do and they charge around like a gang of rather useless appendages.
Was the bloke who plays "The Master" also in "Dracula?" And what a sexy beast the count was, a shoe in for the new James Bond, I'd say.
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John McEnroe
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Re: TV Shows
« on: January 06, 2020, 12:54 am »
Tonight's Doctor Who - well ****. What comes next for the Doctor and Gallifrey I wonder...
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World No 1
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Re: TV Shows
« on: January 06, 2020, 12:37 pm »
Going to rewatch Spyfall Parts 1 and 2 together, but on a first watch I thought Part 2 was rife with problems, narratively all over the place, still way too much clutter, way too soon to start messing about with Gallifrey story arcs again (they almost always end up being crap anyway), anyone hoping there will be an eventual pay off for the binning of UNIT and Torchwood* is probably going to be disappointed, Whittaker’s performance is consistently better without the ‘Fam’ alongside her, the Doctor did something monumentally ****ed up and no one batted an eyelid, the episode gave no real sense of how significant Ada Lovelace really was to the development of computer programming, and absolutely no idea of the sacrifice Noor Inayat Khan made.
Part 1 was generally better and less messy, but I don’t think there’s ever been a more pointless ‘guest star’ character than Stephen Fry’s C.
*actually I thought Torchwood was pretty much done except in Big Finish audio dramas, but Chibnall is supposed to have a lot of respect for UNIT so I was hoping for some kind of resolution/return for UNIT after what has been an extremely contrived ditching of something that has been a key element of the show for decades.
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World No 1
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Re: TV Shows
« on: January 12, 2020, 10:32 pm »
Doctor Who Orphan 55 review: ooh new jumper, this feels like rinse and repeat of themes/elemens of Kerblam!, still no character development for Yaz, hyped up guest stars are mostly a waste of space, pretty sure we saw this tunnel in the 'Zygon Inversion' - maybe we'll find UNIT down here? Did I mention the jumper? Are these supposed to be the really terrifying monsters? It's a nice jumper. Is any of this connected to the series arc or are these just random subplots which won’t get wrapped up?
Overall it felt like a poor version of something RTD would have done better.
Nice jumper though.
[ Last edit by amongsttheleaves January 12, 2020, 10:47 pm ]
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John McEnroe
Posts: 18,608
Re: TV Shows
« on: January 13, 2020, 06:50 am »
^ Preaching too. No need.
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World No 1
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Re: TV Shows
« on: January 13, 2020, 01:20 pm »
Quote from: blueberryhill on January 13, 2020, 06:50 am
^ Preaching too. No need.
Who’s always done that though. I’m much less bothered by it than I am by the fact that the episode felt like it was glued together out of bits on the cutting room floor.
Ed Hime wrote a strong episode last year, but this was a real let down. I had to double check who wrote Kerblam! last year because I was convinced it must have been by the same writer.
Also feels like the scripts are not playing to what Whittaker’s strengths as the Doctor are. You’d expect them to have worked that out by now.
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World No 1
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Re: TV Shows
« on: January 26, 2020, 04:11 pm »
Finally caught up with last week’s Doctor Who, mostly enjoyed it, big improvement on the week before.
Seems to be a lot of hype about a returning character in tonight’s epidsode. Hype seems to suggest it is bigger than the Spyfall Part 1 reveal.
Doctor Who Ep 4 Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror review: this sonic works on wood apparently, Silurian weapons being fired by not-Silurians, the not-Racnoss has some badass shoulder-pads, did Yaz get to do something for a minute there, is that science speak for 'bigger on the inside', guest stars actually have something proper to do, Graham sounding just like Donna Nobel for a moment*, the Doctor building things again, decent stand-off between the Doctor and this week's big bad, liking the blue crystals.
*Not A Bad Thing
Anyway, who’s all the hype about?
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John McEnroe
Posts: 18,608
Re: TV Shows
« on: January 26, 2020, 08:18 pm »
Quote from: amongsttheleaves on January 26, 2020, 04:11 pm
Anyway, who’s all the hype about?
Saw it, post when you have. Still think 3 companions is just too many. They seem to be forever hanging around waiting for explanations, or just getting in the way.
Good Omens
and, usually I can't stand Tennant gurning away,
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World No 1
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Re: TV Shows
« on: January 26, 2020, 09:33 pm »
Doctor Who Ep 5 Fugitive of the Judoon review: Fro Jo Po Mo! Oh, ok not yet... Ah it's the CEO of Holby Shitty*, there they are! Secretive Doctor, where did Graham go? [redacted for spoilers], [redacted for spoilers], Kate Stewart would never, bloody hell the body count in this episode! excellent, scenes of the Doctor without all those companions, to the lighthouse, I have no ***ing idea what is going on, to be fair neither does the Doctor, [redacted for spoilers], ha ha ha the NMD gang are going to lose their shit over this! why do the 'fam' always line up in the Tardis like that?
* I mean everyone's been in Holby Shitty, Eighth Doctor, Kate Stewart, the Brigadier etc etc
[ Last edit by amongsttheleaves January 26, 2020, 09:41 pm ]
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John McEnroe
Posts: 18,608
Re: TV Shows
« on: January 27, 2020, 10:18 am »
Totally did my head in, but I loved it. Loved the "Space Rhinos" aka the Judoon, loved Ruth, how feisty was she, can take or leave you-know-who, and liked the new depth to Jodie's doctor, of course you'd be sad, you've seen so much.
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World No 1
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Re: TV Shows
« on: January 27, 2020, 12:32 pm »
Quote from: blueberryhill on January 27, 2020, 10:18 am
Totally did my head in, but I loved it. Loved the "Space Rhinos" aka the Judoon, loved Ruth, how feisty was she, can take or leave you-know-who, and liked the new depth to Jodie's doctor, of course you'd be sad, you've seen so much.
I’m pretty intrigued about it. Dunno if we’ll see Ruth again this series, or if this whole arc will run through into series 13.
Like you I’m not that bothered about the return of
Captain Jack Harkness
. Mostly feel that character had their time, but I guess there were very few characters who made sense for those scenes. What annoyed me was that character assumed Graham was the Doctor, when that reaction doesn’t make a lot of sense in that context.
There are other characters I’d much prefer to see again. Kate Stewart obviously, feel strongly that Moffat didn’t do her justice after Chibnall introduced her in The Power of Three, and she’s a legacy character, what’s more she absolutely wouldn’t mistake Graham for the Doctor. Think Martha Jones would be interesting to bring back in this era, but unlikely given the actor is busy in a full-length US drama.
My dog loved the Judoon - everytime they spoke in Judoon he watched the TV with pricked ears, then he slept through the rest of the episode, even when I was shouting a lot at the TV!
So glad Jodie is finally being given something good to do. Giving up on the companions though, looks like Yaz and Ryan are on their way out, which is a shame for Yaz as she’s had bugger all to do. Hope we don’t get left with Graham though.
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John McEnroe
Posts: 18,608
Re: TV Shows
« on: January 27, 2020, 05:16 pm »
^ Don't you think they were being tongue in cheek? You know the way, even in 2020, people see a white middle aged bloke in the room and always assume he's the boss. It was just pointing out how misguided/old fashioned that can be,
I've heard Ryan has been offered a part elsewhere, so hopefully he'll be moved out. I suppose it would be role reversal if a young female Doctor has an elderly male assistant.
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