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TV Shows


Luminites - yes
Yes.....they really deserved to win, but I wanted Joseph.....the dancer to go through as well! Fred Astaire and Sammy Davis Junior rolled into one. Hope he wins the wild card! In fact, I may even vote!  w00t
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Enjoying the return of Arrested Development - they've still got it Smile
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Holy ****, last night's Game of Thrones was shocking. Still in shock 15 minutes after it ended.
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Holy ****, last night's Game of Thrones was shocking. Still in shock 15 minutes after it ended.

Good way or bad way?
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Good way or bad way?

Depends on what you mean. It was a great episode, if that's what you mean.
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SPOILER, watch if you've seen the latest episode of Game of Thrones Very Happy
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Oh Big Brother is on again ....
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So...  they're bringing back my favourite TV show '24' for a 12 episode season to broadcast next year. Much of the creative crew are returning as well.

I suspect this is testing the waters for a full on return. Exciting times.
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So...  they're bringing back my favourite TV show '24' for a 12 episode season to broadcast next year. Much of the creative crew are returning as well.

I suspect this is testing the waters for a full on return. Exciting times.

Good Canadian lad. I'm all in for another series.
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I've never seen even 1 episode of 24 let alone a whole season.
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Neither have I although I think I'd like it. I understand the name was due to it being 24 one hour episodes covering a 24 hours period, right? So surely this new series should be called 12 shouldn't it? lol
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Neither have I although I think I'd like it. I understand the name was due to it being 24 one hour episodes covering a 24 hours period, right? So surely this new series should be called 12 shouldn't it? lol
Well yeah, the new series will be skipping 12 hours as the plot dictates.  Smile
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I know some of the ladies have read the Diana Galbadon Outlander series of books, I've just found out that production of a 16 part series starts in October this year, it's being filmed in Scotland for an American TV company, Jamie Fraser being played by that well known actor Sam Heughan  w00t  I only read the first book but really enjoyed it, hope they make a good job of this, it's being directed by the guy that did Battlestar Galactica.  Their even going to be building a new television studio outside Glasgow to make this.
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Years later, watching 'Garth Marenghi's Dark Place' again.... just so good and all available on YouTube.
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Anyone watching "Top of the Lake?" Both intriguing and shocking- usual ingredients of a "thriller," but thrown up in the air and landing differently.  Elizabeth Moss is absolutely terrific.
Wondering if any of you folk living in New Zealand have seen it?
The scenery is one of the stars, it's breathtaking, but not sure if your tourist board can be totally thrilled...Wink
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