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The MW Legends Thread


I'd like to nominate Tommy as a MW legend for his steadfastness. He is always prepared to stand by his political/cultural views even in the face of widespread opposition.  

Aww hug

Finally I feel loved...hem hem.
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Well Neil thank you for that very humorous little insight into my life - it all seems so much clearer now that you have explained that my friendship with Lola was doomed and this was all coming.

My name is Caoimhe for those of you who don't know me, I've been a member here for a few years but my involvement in the site kind of fizzled away during my a-level style exams last year, although my interest has never subsided.

I went on a holiday with Lola, another member here, in June 2006 to visit Wimbledon. She was my best friend at the time. She had recently been emailing and texting Neil from this site, and they decided to meet up over the London holiday. I wasn't exactly over joyed by this idea, but I wasn't going to object. I had no problem meeting someone we had met off the internet since I trusted Lola's judgement. I only had reservations since it was all new to me and was just the fear of the unknown. Once there, as Neil mentioned in his comment, the pair made every effort to sit apart and include me in everything. It was incredibly obvious and made me feel even more uncomfortable. Including me could have involved talking to me prior to the event, but 99% per cent of the time it was Lola. It is laughable that the word privacy can be related to your time at the tube station Neil, me walking away did nothing to ease the sight for everyone else walking up that stairs. But that was the only public display of affection in their defence.

Following our London trip, which was at this stage totally ruined for me, we had a little discussion, let our feelings out etc and were back to square one, planning a girls only trip to Aberdeen and then Wimbledon 2007. Neil had absolutlely no long lasting effect on our relationship, clearly much to his dismay for what ever reason, but it was going to take a much more deserving man to come between Lola and me.

Before we'd even been to Wimbledon that year, our friends had been introduced to a lovely group of guys, one in particular who was good looking, funny and just great to be around. Lola, myself and another friend were instantly attracted to him, but none of us really acknowledged how much the others liked him. We decided to not do anything since it would only complicate things, but when he asked me on a date, I couldn't say no. This obviously was going to affect the relationship between myself and Lola, I broke a promise and the trust we shared, and she underestimated how much I liked him. This put a temporary dent in our friendship, until Lola came to forgive me.

I'm fairly confident that whatever Lola told Neil about us was meant to be for Neil and if this is the way he's treating the information, then I doubt there will be many replies to the odd email you still send her.

Two years on and I'm just back from my third Wimbledon adventure with my best friend Lola, and I've still got that wonderful boyfriend. And I'm constantly a third wheel for Lola and her boyfriend, but since he has made an effort to be my friend it's all just good fun.

Lola and I joined MW during an academic year when we could get away with spending hours online, and I know the reason I stopped using this site was because of time constraints. Not Neil. I miss it though, it was lovely talking to everyone and having people know who you are, now we're just the "two irish girls" as Quackers put it in the Wimbledon photos thread.

I'm looking forward to talking to you on bebo davidb.

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I'm just waiting for Neil's reply! lol
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Indeed, this could now get messy. There may even be 10 or so new pages when I next login tomorrow. lol
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Caoimhe!!! hug

Cad e mar ata tu, cailin??! shades
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but when he asked me on a date, I couldn't say no. This obviously was going to affect the relationship between myself and Lola, I broke a promise and the trust we shared, and she underestimated how much I liked him.
You broke what promise and what trust? Are two friends who like the same guy expected to boycott him so both girls are unhappy? That's crazy, he asked you out anyway, not the other way around.
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Hmmmm this will be interesting lol
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You know those times when you feel like you live on Planet Mars????................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ................

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There may even be 10 or so new pages when I next login tomorrow. lol

lmao  As is usually the case! Very Happy
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oh no this isn't some angry reply or anything, I'm just furthering the discussion to include my point of view, and the facts in some cases!

Cáit táim ar fheabhas, agus tú fhéin?? I do chonaí i Londáin?!? ooo!!!

I don't think it's necessary the rules Mark, but i went out of my way to say I wasn't going to do anything with him and i totally abandoned that opinion soon after, so I broke that promise and she trusted that I wasn't going to do anything but I did. I was of the opinion for ages that he asked me so it was all good, but it was wrong of me to say yes when I knew it would hurt her! x(",)x
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I don't think it's necessary the rules Mark, but i went out of my way to say I wasn't going to do anything with him and i totally abandoned that opinion soon after, so I broke that promise and she trusted that I wasn't going to do anything but I did. I was of the opinion for ages that he asked me so it was all good, but it was wrong of me to say yes when I knew it would hurt her! x(",)x

It's never wrong if there is the possibility of true love and a lasting relationship Smile
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It's never wrong if there is the possibility of true love and a lasting relationship Smile

You sap.
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But it is true! lol If you did it with the intention of it being a fun short relationship with lots of lust and great sex then yes, you probably should have asked her first but if you did it thinking it could turn out to be something special then your friend is not important.
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Agree with Mark. If the guy asked you, I'm not sure what right someone else would have to be angry with you for saying yes. My Mum has told me of a similar situation when she was younger. Her best friend liked some guy but then he asked out my Mum instead. Fortunately she said yes, else I would not be here to type this story!
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