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U.S. Presidential Election 2016


No he'll play to dimwits who wish the world was less complicated than it is.

Indeed. Just look at the fake news stories he's been involved in.
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Trump's an outrageous guy, he can lay down some serious bull. But I like that kind of stuff.

When lyin' Hillary and the rest of her party tried to use a bunch of bull to tear down Trump they didn't know that the Don was the master at such tactics.

But I understand how people like the POTUS to be proper and above all of this bull that Trump is putting out. They want him to be PC.

Trump has made it clear that he plays to his own rules, and so do most presidents but they keep it hidden, they were afraid to be public about it.

Now with the fake news stories, so what?
This is like all the other things that were thrown at Trump during the race.

No one cares about it, just the ones who want to put their values on him.

The ones who said he shouldn't do this or that, he isn't acting properly, he's not presidential. He's a racist and on and on.

Let the party begin and together with Trump lets: "Make America Great Again!!!"".

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^ I agree with those who despise a man with the vocabulary and intellect of a twelve year old who has such a great great brain he doesn't really need advisers.
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Swish, you've said too much. You're not safe here anymore. Run.
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^ I agree with those who despise a man with the vocabulary and intellect of a twelve year old who has such a great great brain he doesn't really need advisers.

Indeed. It's about about expecting someone who is arguably the most powerful human on the planet being competent to hold that position. Trump is demonstrably stupid, volatile, narcissistic and ill-informed. There's a reason why he's the most unpopular PEOTUS of all time.
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Swish, you've said too much. You're not safe here anymore. Run.

First time I've encountered one of the pepe drones outside of /r/the_donald. lol
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lol so many bad things are said about Trump here....  As if Hillary's word could be trusted, like just look at the sniper fire case.

Then, as if Hillary had any class..... "we came, we saw, he died" that's something that a sadist would say, the murderous kind.

Add to that that Hillary and her hub are considered war criminals in many countries i'm not sure Trump is not the better candidate...

I rooted for Hillary btw and was upset Trump won but now i give the guy a chance... At least he's cleaner than Hillary in many respects.
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There's a reason why he's the most unpopular PEOTUS of all time.
Not really interesting though considering we know it would have been the same for Hillary.
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Not really interesting though considering we know it would have been the same for Hillary.

"BUT BUT HILLARY!" the shrill mating cry of the Trumpets.

We don't know that it would have been the same for Clinton. After all, Trump did see a decent bounce in his approval ratings immediately after the election. The he Tweeted a bunch of cretinous stuff, appointed a cabinet of psychopaths and degenerates and topped it all off with the most hilariously incompetent press conference I've ever seen. Down go the ratings.

It's almost as if he was given a final chance to pivot ( lol ) and failed.
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"BUT BUT HILLARY!" the shrill mating cry of the Trumpets.
It's pretty logical that whoever wins will be compared to the candidate they were running against post-victory dontknow
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It's pretty logical that whoever wins will be compared to the candidate they were up against after victory dontknow

Nah, you lot are obsessed with her. It's a bit weird. Your boy won. Time to own it!
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Oh I see  Think
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lol so many bad things are said about Trump here....  As if Hillary's word could be trusted, like just look at the sniper fire case.

Then, as if Hillary had any class..... "we came, we saw, he died" that's something that a sadist would say, the murderous kind.

Add to that that Hillary and her hub are considered war criminals in many countries i'm not sure Trump is not the better candidate...

I rooted for Hillary btw and was upset Trump won but now i give the guy a chance... At least he's cleaner than Hillary in many respects.
This isn't about Hillary though is it? It's about how totally unfit for the job Trump is. At least Mike Pence is a straight A Republican with a brain and an acceptable backstory however altR his views may be.
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Oh I see  Think

I refer you to the postings of your compatriots further up the page.
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Bizarrely the orange sex pest seems to have done an interview with Michael Gove for the Times.
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