General Community / Chit Chat / Re: What's on your MV?
on: March 06, 2007, 07:06 pm
ok something is awfully weird here lol do ya know the websute my heritage or something like that where you enter a photo and it does a face recognition? well gary put his face in anyway and low and behold . . . .he looks like patrick swayze lol! crazy! x(",)x
General Community / Chit Chat / Re: What's on your MV?
on: March 05, 2007, 05:00 pm
why the shocked face lol!! in the documentry theres just a whole section of him danicing!! how sud u not notice!! check when there's about 1.55 left x(",)x
General Community / Chit Chat / Re: What's on your MV?
on: March 05, 2007, 04:55 pm
yea that bit really makes the video - i loves it! and in previous recordings the guy who said happy, his phone went off - brilliant!
as laura just pointed out, my boyfriend is not the awful dancer randomly on grafton street lol hes just the awful dancer in general - very noticable in the documentary . . ! x(",)x
General Community / Chit Chat / Re: What's on your MV?
on: March 05, 2007, 04:44 pm
my mv is now the same local band - they're called the dancing blue pandas and when they started out we thought they were totally joking but they're coming along pretty well!! so i have their second song - "winter pandaland" hehe and laura has their new documentry "the story so far" ah they're fantastic really! im biased since my boyfriends in it - hes the awful awful dancer in winter pandaland hehe!!
il post them here cos u guys seriously deserve to see them!!