But we are all aware his natural inclination is to be a counter puncher, but its not his game that is the problem, its the mindset during these highly charged pressure matches that alarm me, and this is what causes the confusion and the unclear clarity of purpose at times when Andy plays. For sure if your not used to doing something and only do it on an ad-hoc basis, then when you really need to draw on that ad-hoc experience, you won't be condifent in it and so will perhaps revert to type or simply come unstuck and freeze in that given moment.
Playing aggressively is something that can be taught to the point of where it becomes instinctive - would this suit Andy personality and who he wants to be as a tennis player, i think not. Andy is a very cerebral tennis player - one of the best if not the best on the mens current tour. Perhaps what he needs to think about is adding an aggressive dimension to his style - and by this mean adopting a more menacing on court demeanour, not being afraid to take it on and take the game to the opponent, take risks, be courageous, live dangerously occassionally...............
Dear psychological tennis,
Which university did you go to , to study psychology ? Are you genuine or just an enthusiastic amateur ? I just can't take you seriously as your grammar & spelling are appalling !