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General Community / Tennis Talk / Djokovic deported from Australia
on: January 11, 2022, 08:36 pm
I didn’t watch the video but the original tweet linking to it is interesting - pretty sure the @ozraeliavi mentioned is an Australian Farage/Lawrence Fox type. Quite telling that that sort have leapt to Djokovic’s defence. Anti-vax/Covid hoax stuff seems to have become a new staple for those grifters. Unsure right now if ND himself has aligned with Farage and his ilk, or just his family. For many (me included), that’s a particularly bad look. Just insane that he has taken this turn over the years. Was he always so odd? I don’t remember him being like this back in the early days, when he was just ahead of Andy but not exactly setting the world alight (2007-2010 period).
General Community / Tennis Talk / Djokovic deported from Australia
on: January 11, 2022, 10:52 am
So Djokovic took a test, got a positive result six hours later, and then spent the next week doing various in person events. This means that:
a) he knowingly went around whilst positive, potentially infecting other people or b) it's a fix
Djokovic is a world class wanker, but surely even he would isolate if he were actually positive. Which points towards b. This fits with the awfully convenient timing as well.
It all utterly stinks. Assuming he actually plays, will be interesting to see the general crowd reaction to him.
General Community / Tennis Talk / Djokovic deported from Australia
on: January 10, 2022, 03:17 pm
Meanwhile, Djokovic (or at least his family) has fully embraced Nigel Farage as his cheerleader, while Andy has clashed with Farage on Twitter (drawing a pretty lame response from Nige). Further confirmation that I support the right guy 
General Community / Tennis Talk / Djokovic deported from Australia
on: January 10, 2022, 03:16 pm
Agreed, but from what I'm hearing in the news I don't think the Djokovic family are going to let the matter drop any time soon.
I think probably the biggest mistake the authorities made though was putting him into a substandard quarantine hotel full of immigrants and effectively treating him as such. I can't believe that they couldn't have found him somewhere more upmarket and simply quarantined him there by confining him to his room.
Are you more outraged by Djokovic being put in a substandard hotel 'full of immigrants', or the fact that the holding place for immigrants is substandard?
General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Paris R1: Andy Murray vs Dominik Koepfer
on: November 01, 2021, 09:46 pm
Is that what we're reduced to now? I haven't paid much attention to Murray matches recently - and this crapshoot was a good reminder why.
I don’t think you’ve missed much. Struggling to see what the point is now, beyond his fear of retirement.
General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Rennes R2: Andy Murray vs Roman Safiullin
on: September 16, 2021, 11:51 am
I think this is fair. The problem with Challengers is Andy doesn’t really want to play them. Something in his attitude at them has been off. I think something his brain is going ‘I play my best tennis against the top players, I want to play the top players at big events’.
Possibly linked to his age and a subconscious feeling that he doesn't have time to play lower level events - though going far at the lower events would get him back to automatic entry for the bigger ones.