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18526  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: February 04, 2011, 02:31 pm
I think we should take into account1) the conditions favoured Nole, 2) Nole had had two days rest 3) Andy had played a real dog fight with Ferrer in his semis 4) Nole had had a comparatively quick and easy match against a none too good Fed.
5) Andy seemed exhausted, Nole was as bright as a button!
Now, I'm not taking anything away from Nole's victory. He was in fine form and more than likely would've won anyway. But what I am saying is that there were some mitigating circumstances for Andy's poor form. Also, I do know that if Andy isn't feeling 100% physically, his game goes right off. His game is so dependant on good movement.
BTW this doesn't mean I don't think he has issues which need addressing. I'd love to see him happier on court Smile
18527  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: February 03, 2011, 09:22 am
Tessi, agree Wimbledon is well nigh impossible, but have just bought tickets for O2 cost £40 -£100 + depending on which days. Of course if u don't live in London, or don't have friends there, it makes it much more expensive. That's the real problem with UK tennis, totally South East centred Frown
18528  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Murray Pictures on: February 02, 2011, 08:32 am
Lovely to see Andy smiling and kim waiting Smile
18529  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Let's not panic on: February 02, 2011, 08:13 am
grabcopy, is "Kid Wisdom" an upper class, Eton educated Tory Toff then ?
18530  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Let's not panic on: February 01, 2011, 06:22 pm
I've resigned myself to the fact that unless there are drastic changes in Andy's team, he's not going to win a slam. But last year, when he successfully defended Toronto and beat Nalby, Rafa and Fed in the process, must be one of my best Murray moments.
Then he went and beat Fed again, sweet Very Happy
So, optimistically  I go into 2011 hoping for more of the same cmonandy
18531  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: February 01, 2011, 11:35 am
Spot on grabcopy  clap But its that old stubborn streak again Rolling Eyes
18532  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: February 01, 2011, 11:32 am
Yep, simple mistakes. On the same lines, why did he not have two rackets strung differently in case the conditions weren't as forecast? After a few games, he was calling out for new rackets, which didn't arrive until after he'd blown the first set. The situation would have been on his mind throughout the set. So bad preparation possibly cost him the match.

That's partly the fault of not having 'tennis people' in his entourage. Apart from Dani, who's not played at the highest level, they're just fitness people.
18533  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: February 01, 2011, 07:53 am
Of course I don't think Sunday's play was a thing of beauty, pleeasse....It was a beat down, but he can play beautiful tennis, just not it seems at slam finals. Failing horribly in front of millions, three times?? How difficult to face that.
Have u forgotten so soon  the two Masters he won last year, the WTF semi, which some pundits were saying was the best match of the year? confused
Perhaps we may have to accept he will never win a slam, the pressure may be too great. In which case perhaps we should all just enjoy his beautiful tennis and be grateful when he feels peaceful and relaxed enough to play it.
Anger is misplaced. It's Andy's life not ours.
18534  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: January 31, 2011, 05:06 pm
Joe: disagree with u completely. Tennis, boxing etc all individual sports and you're alone in that amphitheatre, every move scrutinised, every gesture torn apart, every failure pounced on gleefully  by pundits, fans, media hounds, critics. Some cope better than others.
Do we like him because he might win a slam or because he has a beautiful game which we enjoy, whatever he achieves?
18535  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: January 31, 2011, 03:50 pm
Heartbreaking picture and story in my Guardian today. Andy has his face in his hands and the quote is "I just want to be normal again." He goes on to say how he's been away from home since the end of the WTF, how hard that is  and how he misses gf, family, friends, Maggie probably Smile.
I felt really sad. It's clear he hates all the travelling and the media circus and the hype. He's just a normal kid with a huge talent. Fed seems to relish all the celebrity, Andy will never be like that.
Bet he wishes he'd taken up football where you're part of a team and the spotlight isn't so intense.
I think someone said he wouldn't be surprised if Andy quits tennis. Well reading that I would be VERY surprised if he goes on beyond his mid twenties
18536  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: January 31, 2011, 09:00 am
The Andy of the first week who was calm, confident relaxed....and playing beautiful tennis, just disappeared in the second week and so coincidentally did the beautiful game . I think Tasmanian Devil made that point too. I was bragging to my friends about this  "new" Andy.. Frown Ho hum...
Regrettably I must conclude that as the pressure gets to him, so his confidence deserts him and he reverts to that old passive game that won't win him any slams Frown
There's obviously a very stubborn streak in Andy that has got him from a small Scottish town onto the world stage and served him very well so far.
 I do hope this stubborn streak isn't going to stop him making the next leap. Oh Andy please have the courage to make the changes, you have the most wonderful talent  trophy
18537  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: January 30, 2011, 06:09 pm
And I seem to have deleted your post somehow.

Buhweet suggests Andy choked. I just think his game plan was stinking.
Totally agree grabcopy. But also think summat was up. Looked exhausted, not moving properly. If there was something wrong physically of course we will be the last to know. And that damn serve must be sorted. It's too unreliable. But what on earth happened to all that positive, calm body language in the first week? We're all avid fans here but it was truly terrible. It gives far too much away to the bloke across the net  no
How interesting and hopeful that Nole used to be like that too. Perhaps, Andy will look, listen and learn Fingers crossed
grabcopy, you need to apply to Roland Garros itself for tickets, third time I've said this Rolling Eyes
18538  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: January 30, 2011, 04:32 pm
Blind idol worship is not the same as "good judgement". Any has enough of his majesty groveling from his current team!!
Sorry but I don't go in for "blind idol worship" but keeping the faith is quite another matter. Don't think anyone on here hasn't said, "get yourself a new coach", or similar.
Fellow fans, we and he are down Frown  but we're definitely not out Wink
Let's all remember you've gotta get to that final first b4 u lift any trophy and Andy has done that three times now so Fingers crossed
18539  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: January 30, 2011, 03:42 pm
Would just like to add if I hear the words "Fred Perry" and "first time in seventy blah, blah years"  You're all gonna read about mass homicide in the home counties   Evil or Very Mad
18540  Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray falls at final hurdle again on: January 30, 2011, 03:30 pm
Could only say this here..would be shot down in flames as "bad sport" elsewhere, but Ferrer did Nole an awful lot of favours in the semis, a match v. Soderling would've been over in half the time 
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