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2386  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Andy's 2013 clay court season on: April 13, 2013, 07:44 pm
welcome Hello you will get used to us. It's not so much that we are negative (most of us), more that we have an inbuilt panic button that sets itself off when Andy's tournament draws appear. We seem to be pre programmed to fear the worst whilst also hoping for the best. Alas it appears to be incurable but we support each other through it - and it makes the victories all the sweeter. You can help us keep our glasses half full!
Thanks for the welcome all I ask is for Andy is try is his best and who knows maybe we can have a few surprises. Fingers crossed.  thumb up
2387  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Andy's 2013 clay court season on: April 13, 2013, 07:11 pm
Hey guys, I am new here and would like to say why you guys have such little faith in Andy. Yeah I know clay isn't Andy best surface but why are people already writing him off because of his potential opponents. This is the guy who took Nadal to a third set in 2011 and almost beat Djokovic in Rome.

I don't know about you guys but I have a gut feeling about this clay season. C'mon Andy yay
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