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Pages / Archive: News / Re: Lloyd expects 'the toughest challenge'
on: February 07, 2008, 04:19 pm
If they manage to complete the tie without running away they'll be doing well.John Lloyd told the Telegraph the GB Team were barracked by about 4oo school chldren when they were training.He said they weren't exactlywelcomng them. It won't be easy and not just the tennis.
Pages / Archive: News / Re: Jamie furious at younger brother
on: February 07, 2008, 03:17 pm
I thought reading a lot of the comments on here Andy Murray was accused of dishonesty re his recurring knee problem.Did somebody ever accuse you of having a brain they were mistaken.
Pages / Archive: News / Re: Jamie furious at younger brother
on: February 07, 2008, 03:13 pm
It's not a sweeping statement,I've lived amongst them for much longer than I lived in my own country probably before you were thought of.It's an observation.I speak as In find,the same way I would say the Southern Irish would smile into your face and stick a knife in your back at the same time.Also whast's the other "Sweeping Statements"you refer to??
Pages / Archive: News / Re: Jamie furious at younger brother
on: February 07, 2008, 03:08 pm
Right then are you saying when Tennis players give interviews after matches they sit like dummies while their management team does the talking.I thought the management team were all about managing sponsorship deals etc.I still think if Andy Murray had travelled to Chile&Argentina at thenexpense of the LTA.then declared himself not fit.The PR would have played better.
Pages / Archive: News / Re: Jamie furious at younger brother
on: February 07, 2008, 03:02 pm
He also said he'd probably take a week off after Davis Cup,because of the change in surfaces.That was before the Aussie Open,he probably hoped to go further than last year.going out in the first round means he doesn't have that option.He does have a congenital knee problem,he's changed his training,so I still see no reason to doubt it has been giving him a "niggle"Lots of tennis players seem to play with niggling injuries.He's not one.I think he got a bad scare when he had so long off as a junior,with his knee problem.I am as disappointed as any-one else he's not playing Davis Cup,his knee his career his decision.
Pages / Archive: News / Re: Jamie furious at younger brother
on: February 07, 2008, 02:49 pm
What's this "How long will Jamie beallowed to say what he wants",about last time I looked we were living in a democracy,The Scots have a tendency to bluntness.Also reported in to-days Telegraph that theGB team were given a barracking by about 400school kids during practice.There will be worse to come no doubt,
Pages / Archive: News / Re: Jamie furious at younger brother
on: February 07, 2008, 02:40 pm
I agree with Kit Kat,Are you sure Mark that your'e not seeing the woods for the trees.Andy Murray tends to be a bit of a disaster area as far as publicity is concerned.He says what he thinks,like his brother.He always said he'd play Davis Cup when he could but there would be times if interfered with ATP commitments he wouldn't play.Looks like we have arrived at that point.We all know Andy has a lot of points to defend.I think less honesty would haved played better in the Meedja,if he had went to Argentina then went,"Ouch my knee"The sympathy vote would have been higher except maybe for Mark.Who seems to be jumps"Fuzzy like"all over any thing negative re:Andy Murray.
Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray withdraws from Davis Cup tie
on: February 04, 2008, 02:47 pm
Srikes me Mark reading the comments the Daily Mail are not the only sceptics around here.This is a recurring theme of theirs forthe past few months so I daresay they're delighted they can confirm what they've be hinting at for months.
Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray withdraws from Davis Cup tie
on: February 04, 2008, 02:44 pm
Why else would the SAS look after a bunch of tennis players. Kidnap threats?.... 'Give us the Falklands or Muzza gets it!' type headlines Well if the Irish haven't got over Cromwell,Why should the Argies forget the Falklands??.Jonas Bjorkmann was sympahtising with the GB team going there,as the Swedish team had be given such a hard time.Even one of the Argentine players said the fact that three of the team were Scottish wouldn't matter the public would think of all of them as English.Don't know if te Argentinians are aware the war was against the British forces. Maybe Argentina could be declared the winners now and both teams could have a nice social hit together,then go out for dinner like the Rugby teams do in the six nations,but no knicking a trophy along the road like the Scots and English did with the Calcutta Cup,then no need for a former SAS bodyguard.
Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray withdraws from Davis Cup tie
on: February 02, 2008, 09:58 am
I'd also like to point out if the majority on here are so scathing of Andy Murray,why not change the name of this site.Some of the comments are more than worthy of the loonie fringe on BBC 606.Why keep bringing up the "Any football team,but England",quoted out of context.but probably echoed by many Scots&Northern Irish,would not presume to include the Welsh.Has any-one thought itmwould have been easier for Andy to go to Argentina,then not play when he got there.We probably wouldn't be in the world group if The top Croatian players hadn't been ill.
Pages / Archive: News / Re: Murray withdraws from Davis Cup tie
on: February 02, 2008, 09:49 am
Andy Murray had a lot of time of as a Junior,because of problems with his knee.He has a poblem with his patella I think it's divided.(Never had any interest in orthopaedics)He seems to have changed his training completely.So in all probability his congenital knee problem is causing some problems.Did any-one here really think we had a realistic chance of beating Argentina on clay in Argentina.With potentially the emost hostile crowd imaginable.Any-one remember the Falklands war or are you all too young.You can bet your last penny the Argies haven't forgotten.If they gave Sweden a hard time and white washed them.
General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Murray, the grand slam bottler
on: January 24, 2008, 02:59 pm
Don't think I have ever misunderstood Fuzzy,He only posts to slag Andy Murray,He must be chairperson of the "Any-one but Murray" brigade.Maybe Andys' results in Slams could be put into perspective,he only played two last year the second the US open when he was coming back from his wrist injury.Up to that point except for the French in 2006.He had achieved as much as Nole Djokavic.It has been disappointing he lost 1st round in OZ but that's life,we all live and learn.This was the first time JamesBlake got to the Quarter Final.Also I always come on to this site and read the comments which quite often souind more anti than pro Murray plenty of that on the BBC 606.I still ask Where has Fuzzy been never here if Andy Murray wins,is he?
Pages / Archive: News / Re: Argentina name Davis Cup team
on: January 24, 2008, 02:48 pm
Think Banannies' philosophival argument has some sense.Andy says he likes playing on Clay,Played a lot on Clay In Spain.I know that doesn't prove much.Don't know how he'll do against Nalbanan,Have they only met once??At Wimbeldon when Andy took him to five sets,before he was in the top hundred.Some things might be highly improbable,but nothing is impossible.Jonas Bjorkmann said playing in Argentina was a nightmare for Sweden.probably be worse for the Brits,they aren't exactly fans of the UK.We can live in hope if whitewashed(I hope not of course)Won't be any worse than any other Davis Cup team who've ha dto go to Argentina.