Hmmm.... so-so. Love my course and the people on my course, which makes it good because before exams (being a science subject) we spent most of the day in uni, which was always a good laugh, but it is harder work than i was expecting in the first year. Bit lonely atm though, most of the people on my floor are medics and they have a 10 day break between exams and have gone home! so i'm alone struggling with an exam every two days :/
But i've decided to stay at cardiff considering i've almost done a third of my degree! and i love the maths department here
I'm hopefully taking a sandwhich year between 2nd and 3rd years, if i can find a good placement, cause it'd be nice to be back in london for a year and get some experience for careers, and hopefully if i like it get some contacts in a good company. the thought of graduating and not being able to get a job terrifies me.
How're things Laura? You still doing the law conversion?
And yes, break up for summer in less than two weeks.... cannot wait t:D