As a Brit, let me assure you that Christian 'tradition' (Christmas/Easter/etc) is alive and well in the UK, despite the sinister liberal left's constant attempts to destroy it all and replace it with Islam.
However, the power and involvement of the Church in the state and everyday life is, I like to think, already and continuously being massively eroded. That's a good thing. It's 2017, mate.
I see. well, our government is a coalition of Fidesz and the Christian democrats and i gotta say they made some Christianity inspired new laws which are very good imo. For example, if someone attacks an elderly person physically he gets very serious prison sentences, it's you know, protect the weak kinda thing and it works. I mean criminals think twice before trying to rob or hurt elderly people. So old people can live in peace and enjoy their pensioner days. In addition to that, we have Christian paramilitary groups who make order if there's some problem. The police are often slow and lazy when it comes to crime, but the Christian groups are very effective. If there's some criminal gang that the police doesn't care about they just make them disappear. Also, in the west these drugpushers are business as usual, here they're now frowned upon even by teenagers as losers and aliens. So Christianity has its advantages.
Or just look at Britain. What i saw from one of the clips is that there's big lethargy in those industrial cities. People don't go to vote, they don't do anything, guy from the window said he just got out of jail, the problem of the other was that they put people in jail for little things. And this is where "socialism" or i would rather say materialism is failing. They have nothing to offer to people. In the old days the communists had it easy, they had this "equality" agenda, now there are just petty slimy corrupt criminals everywhere, there's not even anybody to point fingers at anymore.
So while many non-believers are trying to see christianity as something backward and all they know about it is anti-abortion, pedophile priests and backwardness, they can't see it for what it really is: it's white magic, it's healing energy . It inspires people to help others, fight crime, do sports, build great things...
It was like that in the old days too. Like we had to face assaults by empires which outnumbered us and stuff. Like the Turks. We needed Christianity to help us. And it was what saved western culture. Like there was Giovanni da Capestrano. He helped us organize a christian army to defeat the Turks.
He was a great Christian hero. As a child he had to watch his father's enemies burn his castle to the ground. A real holy person, went through many big losses and hardships, and he got his justice, he defended the castle at Nándorfehérvár. My favourite band who have some Christian themes in their songs wrote a song about him and for respect they put the Italian Saltarello theme in the song. These are the English lyrics and the song:
About the triumph of Hunyadi and Capistrano at Nándorfehérvár
Christian John of Capistrano, Franciscan friar
Set out to sorrowful Hungary, hearing it's many plight
Hearing of ugly infighting and quarrels, lack of peace
Hearing how her beset people are in such a great peril
Once a stronghold, now it's made to be just a stony wreck
surrounded by foes, the defenders shed blood, they stood there 'till the death.
Famous governor of the country puts on armor and grabs a sword,
And Hunyadi led his army to relieve the beleaguered fort.
Good Hunyadi and brave Capistrano, lead our weapons,
The night either brings our triumph or we find our death here
Three grim sieges, falling soldier with a flag, (*)
Protect, my Lord, our nation!
Christian John of Capistrano, Franciscan friar
Traveling in sorrowful Hungary, he saw it's many plight,
He saw her ugly infighting, her lack of peace, and
Made the purpose of his life to help her.
He was brave, true in a battle, thousands hung on his words.
His mind was set on holy tales, and he himself was a holy friar.
Leading armies of peasants, with just a cross in his hand,
And his loyal people achived great triumph in the name of the Lord.
Good Hunyadi and brave Capistrano, lead our weapons,
The night either brings our triumph or we find our death here
Three grim sieges, falling soldier with a flag,
Protect, my Lord, our nation!
Protect, my Lord, our nation!
Wow! Could you hack and crash MW? Or is Markie too smart for that, protecting his own kiddies?
Me? haha no, and who would want to crash a small tennis site?

In the old days there were big hacking wars in my game because of the competition. If one clan lost a war in the game someone lost his mind and crashed the other clan's server, then the other clan did the same, then they went on to hack each other's website

But then ofc the servers were made more and more stable and ofc the websites got harder to hack too as time went on, and then the game now has a small community, there are still active clans with active sites but those people are now happy to play together and have fun, no one would do hacking and stuff...
Sounds like cretinous script-kiddy stuff - so depends on if there are any unpatched vulnerabilities on SMF and the server this site is hosted on.
In every gaming community there are good programmers and script kiddies. The script kiddies have to borrow their stuff from someone first. Haha those hackers in SoF2 were hilarious. The community was so close-knit we knew each other by real life name and stuff. There were these 2 clowns named A.I.D.S. and A.I.M.Z. they were good programmers, the work they did on their aimbots was impressive, but they were 2 little drama queens at the same time

they were quarreling with people all day on their site, lol one day even some older guy came to their site scolding him like "Lee Robinson(<-that was aimz), you hacked my workplace e-mail blablabla and was threatening him

" BTW later we got first the mousetrap then the fairplay software, ofc made by the community, which was updated against hacks and illegal console commands.
Up until a recently you could crash MW by doing non-specific forum searches - database seems to be too large for the processing power. That's why for now it's using Google custom search and it's not been too shabby for me.
In reality almost any website can be hacked if you have a smart and determined
enemy. So far so good

Hahaha there was an occult forum i used to read for the lols, it was getting hacked by arab hackers all the time, i guess all that Satan and witches stuff was too much for them