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1  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Shanghai R1: Andy Murray vs Roman Safiullin on: October 04, 2023, 02:19 pm
What's it going to take how many times does he have to lose to realise he's done as a serious player he keeps going like this he will have more losses to his name than wins what a very very sad state of affairs to get yourself into .
2  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Wimbledon R1: Andy Murray vs Ryan Peniston on: July 05, 2023, 07:37 pm
Watching Andy's next opponent either of them will beat him.
3  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Queens R1: Andy Murray vs Alex de Minaur on: June 20, 2023, 09:37 pm
thumb up  He's been like this since day one Chris.  Got reported once and was banned for a month, but unfortunately there's no mods around now we can report him to!
I have followed him his whole career and anyone who tries to defend how he plays now are deluded I loved the guy at his peak but it is blatently obvious he's done it's ok beating guys to win challengers but as soon as he steps up the next level he just can't hack it and it's time he should hang up his racket and be remembered for the player he was instead of what he is now.I think it's very sad what's happened with him.
4  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Queens R1: Andy Murray vs Alex de Minaur on: June 20, 2023, 06:54 pm
He Knew he was going to get gubbed so chucked it half way through first set.A terrible attitude from him when so many people came to watch him and he served up that garbage he is absolutely wasting his time playing Wimbledon he will just get papped out in the first round I really hope he quits after it save himself anymore embarrassing results.
5  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Queens R1: Andy Murray vs Alex de Minaur on: June 20, 2023, 06:48 pm
He's the problem he's just doesn't have it anymore an absolute guttless .
6  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Queens R1: Andy Murray vs Alex de Minaur on: June 20, 2023, 06:21 pm
Comes up against a half decent player and he's screwed.
7  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Queens R1: Andy Murray vs Alex de Minaur on: June 20, 2023, 06:17 pm
He's playing so bad even he finds it funny.
8  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Queens R1: Andy Murray vs Alex de Minaur on: June 20, 2023, 06:12 pm
That is terrible from Murray be as well shaking the guys hand now .
9  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Queens R1: Andy Murray vs Alex de Minaur on: June 20, 2023, 06:10 pm
This is shocking serving .
10  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Queens R1: Andy Murray vs Alex de Minaur on: June 20, 2023, 05:54 pm
His first serve is pish and loses the points on his second allmost Evey time straight sets defeat coming up.
11  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Rothesay Open R1: Andy Murray vs Joris De Loore (Q) on: June 13, 2023, 06:47 pm
I watched it on
 BBC player
12  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Surbiton QF: Andy Murray vs Jason Kubler on: June 09, 2023, 04:23 pm
He made a right arse of that first set he looks as slow as a week in
 the jail.And he thinks he could beat any of the top ten on grass he struggling to keep up with the number 77.This looks like a straight set gubbing.
13  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Primrose Challenger R2: Andy Murray vs Stan Wawrinka on: May 17, 2023, 06:23 pm
My God surely this tells him it's time to quit .He's just embarrassing himself now.
14  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Primrose Challenger R2: Andy Murray vs Stan Wawrinka on: May 17, 2023, 05:51 pm
might help if he can get the ball over the net only going to be one winner here and it's not him I'm afraid .
15  General Community / Andy Talk / Re: Aix Challenger F: Andy Murray vs Tommy Paul on: May 07, 2023, 04:07 pm
Well done Mr murray
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