The players took to the court at 12pm local time (1700 BST) in temperatures reaching 33 degrees in the shade, after Murray's request for a later start on Friday was rejected by tournament officials. The world number four had struggled with rising temperatures in Ohio during his three-set victory over Latvia's Ernests Gulbis on Thursday. "If you ask for a late match and you're put on first, that's not...that pretty," said Murray, hesitating to pick his words carefully. "I don't ever request really when to play. I don't make many demands at all during the tournaments."Murray said his request was rejected because organisers said opponent Fish was playing doubles later in the day. "I'm not sure, the way the tennis works, I don't think matches should be scheduled around the doubles because it's the singles that's on the TV," he added....
..... Murray said he had considered withdrawing from the match at one point but decided to continue to grind out a victory. "You always try and finish matches. I think I've pulled out of maybe one match, two matches out of over 300 or something on the tour," he added. "It does cross your mind a little bit when you're kind of struggling like that. But the doctor and the physio did a good job with the ice and cooling me down a little bit."