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A Year in the Life of a Murraysworld Member



Hi all, for 2007 I;ve decided to report what i get up to for the whole year. Just for something to do and maybe something that can pass the time tbh. For me and anyone who bothers reading it. I'll post once a day on what i've done in that day. It'll probably be crap and boring and dull mostly, but you never know, it might get exciting sometime....

Included are: Ratings of the day, day's mood. and just for the banter, the weather where i am.

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1/1/ 2007 -  Day 1
Weather- Cold, but dry just now bit windy
Mood: Happy, but sulking just for the hell of it.
Rating: 6/10

Woke up at 1030, rather randomly...... Got read for work, starting at 12 today thankfully, was quiet first hour, then we got hammered all afternoon. 120 people upstairs and loads and loads downstairs. hammered. Did make £16 tips though, which is quite good. Quietned down by 5 and the two girls left at 1800 leaving my for an hour on my tod. Luckily the football was on and some of the nice regulars were in! Newcastle 2 Man U 2 with 7 minutes to go!!! Had to leave as dad was giving me a lift! Must check score........ YUS! Still 2-2 at the end!   GOOOO THE TOON!!! Got back home, to find my lovely family dinner not at all to my liking my mum giving us turkey which she knows i dont eat. Seriously annoying being at home. Just another small example of what's getting to me. SO no dinner for me til later. WIll wait til they clear out the kitchen. 2200- Cooked dinner (mac cheese and a couple of rolls) and watched life of brain as well this evening. Was very good. That'll probably be it for the night.....
[ Last edit by nkp2 January 01, 2007, 10:50 pm ] IP Logged


You really do have an interesting life, Neil Wink
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Good job New Castle!
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You really do have an interesting life, Neil Wink

Lol, thanks.....i think....
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SO no dinner for me til later. WIll wait til they clear out the kitchen.

At points your life sounds just like mine... lol

I'll most likely be reading this...
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Interesting idea of having a blog here Neil... I thought once of having a diary thread where everyone blogs in it... actually the 'Today' thread is just that I guess...
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You're going to post a diary of what you do here every day for a year?
lol It will be interesting to see how long you last. I reckon a couple of weeks and it will become pointless and not worth it anymore. Anyway, I await day 2's review.
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Yeah it could be one of those diarys where you right in it everyday for two weeks, then maybe once or twice a week, then once a month then by the end of the year you say "Well I'll do it properly next year" and so on and so on. lol   

Thats the way of all my diarys.
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I never even tried a diary... There are no words for my thoughts.
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I tried keeping an LJ but I'm rubbish at remembering to update it.
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where is day 2? If you want to keep this up neil, you cant forget about it by day 2. lol
[ Last edit by Tommy February 27, 2008, 11:23 pm ] IP Logged

Ahem Day 2 still ahs 18 minutes to go!

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Day 2 - 2/1/2007
Weather- Cold, but not freezing, showers.
Mood: Good
Rating: 5/10 (if we;d won at the footy 8/10)

1030- Woken by that blasted yet somewhat loveable dog barking! 1200- Woken by dad walkign into room with hoover on.... I get the hint and get up.

1300- Football today! So I head off on my tod to Kirkcaldy to see Raith Rovers v Cowdenbeath! Road down is quite quiet, a chance for me to drive to my liking..... ahhhh bliss. Can;t beat Radio 1 at 60mph. hehe. Must visit Great Aunt first, so head there, but either she fails to hear the bell or i don;t press it right and get no answer! OH well, off to other great aunt's to wait for my cousin. 14.45- Cousin turns up with dad, his sister and her bf in tow. Fantastic! We're about to convert a Jambo (hearts fan, my cousins;s bf) into a Rover!

1500- Suspension builds as we head to the game. 1545- 0-0 half time. Boring as hell, so many chances that we missed. Expected to run riot as cowdenbeath tire in second half. 1615- SO SO SO SO many chacnes! Finally take one with good turn from Mcmanus in front of goal and crowd goes wild! Here we go! 1-0 the ROVERS!!! 1617- Cowdenbeath score..... crap...... 1627- they score again...... oh dear.... 1700- Back at aunts for tea! Fantastic as usual! Eat loads...... go to other aunt's at 1800, the one that wasn;t in earlier, get fed AGAIN! And fix her DVD for her (she is 83). 1830- Head to Gran's house, uncle and cousins leave after 2 mins, and i stay til 2100 watching UKTV Gold and keeping my gran company.

Head off to St Andrews to my work where i have to lock up, end up arriving an hour early and just sit chatting to Sharon who;s covering my shift! Lock up at 2300 and head home! And here I am.
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