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The Question Game


Rizzo the Rat  yay

Who's your hero?
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Don't have a hero - admire certain people for certain things.

What's your favourite Abba song - you've got to have a favourite Abba song!
[ Last edit by Bevc March 29, 2007, 10:14 am ] IP Logged

Never listened to Abba to be honest lol So don't have a fave song.

Do you prefer taking pics or being in the pics?
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Never listened to Abba to be honest lol So don't have a fave song.

shocking  You must listen to a greatest hits CD - classic pop!

Hate, hate, hate being in pics so definately taking them! Very Happy

Are you cold?
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No I'm not Smile

Which friend of yours lives far from you?
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All of them!  My best friend lives in Paphos, sunny Cyprus.

Where do you wish you were right now?
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Home... I'm in school now. Frown
Why are you so annoying?
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Because I was born like that  Whistle

Do you have a clam-shell phone?
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What time do you finish school/work?
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I never have Uni on Thursdays  cmon yeah

Are you meeting a friend today?
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Yep at 2.30pm

Do you prefer going to the cinema or staying in?
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Depends on my mood   yay

Which brand is your shower gel?
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Palmolive Aromatherpy - Anti stress one

Who's your favourite tv detective?
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Palmolive Aromatherpy - Anti stress one

Who's your favourite tv detective?

Gene Hunt- Life on Mars ...bearing in mind its 1973 setting,  came out with the immortal-yet-dodgy line this week:
"This investigation's going as slow as a spastic in a magnet factory"  Whistle

Favourite cheese?
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Gene Hunt- Life on Mars ...bearing in mind its 1973 setting,  came out with the immortal-yet-dodgy line this week:
"This investigation's going as slow as a spastic in a magnet factory"  Whistle

I love Life on Mars but clashes with another programme I watch - desperate housewives I think - and we don't have a tv aerial just sky, so can't tape it Rolling Eyes  Great line though lol

Favourite cheese?
M&S did a really nice one with cheddar top & bottom and a layer of soft cheese in the middle but can't, for the life of me, think what it was called!  doh  Otherwise, Philadelphia, all flavours,  (sp) Little tongue man

Embarassed forgot question bit..........

Should you be working right now?
[ Last edit by Bevc March 31, 2007, 03:12 am ] IP Logged
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