MurraysWorld  >  Playground  >  Useless facts quiz.
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Useless facts quiz.


Yeah...  Rolling Eyes
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slap You can't say that to a girl  shocking shocking lol

ok mo. sorry julia  hug
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That's right Mo. cmon yeah They've gone barmy in here tonight, you too King Noobasaurus Hunter. slap Rolling Eyes

What have I done?  Crying or Very sad Bill is the main suspect tonight. yes

I'm sorry for any harm done. I'm innocent.  hug innocent
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ok mo.

Aww.. sorry for the slap anyway  hug
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Bill is the main suspect tonight. yes

whatever do you mean andrew innocent
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ok mo. sorry julia  hug

No worries, shortie. Wink hug

I'm innocent.  hug innocent

Never heard anything more ridiculous in my life.
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1- A snail can sleep for 3 years.  False
2- A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continually from the bottom of the glass to the top. True
3 -Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave. True
4- A pregnant giraffe is called an 'oblonk'. false
5- Horses cannot vomit. true
6- A group of larks is called a  pod  false
 7- Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.  true
8- People born in the Northern Hemisphere are more likely to suffer from colour blindness.  true
9- Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes. true
10- Ants stretch when they wake up false

Did i do well?
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1- True
2- True
3- True
4- False
5- True
6- False
7- True
8- False
9- True
10- True

I got 7 right. And believe it or not, i didn't cheat and look for the answers. Not bad.  Very Happy

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