MurraysWorld  >  Playground  >  What are you doing right now?
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What are you doing right now?


I'm downloading 1.36GB of Miami Vice...

Other than MW, music and food... what are you doing right now?
[ Last edit by Mark February 13, 2007, 07:11 pm ] IP Logged

Transferring music files from a downstairs computer to an upstairs one... Other than MW, music and food as well...
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Other than here, I'm on Andy was just on. cmon yeah
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Other than here, I'm on Andy was just on. cmon yeah

Same here for me too.
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Doing crosswords Smile
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Was emailing the author of some stupid article saying global warming is a conspiracy by the government/UN.
[ Last edit by Mark February 13, 2007, 08:54 pm ] IP Logged

Watching some very interesting show about NAZI General Alfred Jodl. On the History Chn.
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Just finished watching the season finale of Stargate Atlantis.
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Was emailing the author of some stupid article saying global warming is a conspiracy by the government/UN.

What did you say to him?
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I once told the editor of the New York Times to go **** himself. Never got a reply. No wonder
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Was watching an episode of The OC (season 3).
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Watching Shameless!
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I once told the editor of the New York Times to go f**k himself. Never got a reply. No wonder
New York Times? Now why doesn't that surprise me lol

What did you say to him?
I had to sign up to Yahoo to actually send him an email and the message isn't saved anywhere. But it basically said how stupid the idea is considering that Bush and the administration have been trying to deny global warming and fund think tanks to come up with ways to disprove the science behind it.

[ Last edit by Mark February 13, 2007, 10:49 pm ] IP Logged

Just finished my lunch and I'm off back up to work to finish off the wages - it's a beautiful day too Frown shades
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More music and now MSN...
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Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 660 Reply