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What does everyone think of Boxing here? I think it's a brain dead sport in more ways than one Think

Why is it good to watch people punch themselves in the face? and in doings so, slowly cause themselves brain damage.

Do we have any fans here?
[ Last edit by Mark December 17, 2006, 05:17 pm ] IP Logged

I hate boxing... It's very boring to watch if you ask me. They don't punch hard enough. Wink
I do think the rhythm and physical exercise they practise is amazing.
It's their choice, I have nothing against it.
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Oh I have nothing against the training! Great exercise Smile
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It's barbaric.
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With you guys on this one. Something like Yudo is tradtional, sometimes spiritual and on a proffesional level it's moderately painless but boxers come out of the ring with blood all over their faces, broken noses, chipped teeth - you name it.  doh

Punch bags are great in gyms though - post-double physics energy release.  yay
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I don't understand why Murray is a fan of it Think

Thank goodness for you girls that he didn't take it up because you can bet he'd end up one ugly mug... and stupid too.
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yay I dont like watching it, but I did a boxing class to keep fit last actual fights, just sparring, punchbags and circuit training

it was fun!!  w00t
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My cousin's boyfriend is a boxer. And he can be pretty violent. Not with my cousin of course. But I remember once my cousin calling me and saying she was at the police station. She had to make a declaration to the police officers because her bf had punched a guy in the face in McDonald's and broke the guy's jaw and nose. And the worse in the story is that the guy only looked at him 'oddly'  Rolling Eyes

So, no, I don't like boxing at all.
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Not all boxers use their skills in their personal life, but it's very dangerous when they do, as you can tell from the story you told.

If they keep their fighting in the ring, I have absolutely nothing against it.
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Not all boxers use their skills in their personal life, but it's very dangerous when they do, as you can tell from the story you told.

If they keep their fighting in the ring, I have absolutely nothing against it.

yeah, in the boxing class it was purely for fitness...we were taught not to use it in real-life

EDIT: Also, I sucked at the actual sparring roflmao
[ Last edit by rafa December 17, 2006, 06:45 pm ] IP Logged

I think boxing is stupid
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boxing is pretty stupid... judo though is really cool... its a kind of boxing i suppose... but its more for briefly dissabling people than actually hurting them...
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but its more for briefly dissabling people than actually hurting them...
I like the sound of that!
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I watch a bit of Amir Khan when he's boxing....

I quite like it Very Happy Though i have no idea whatsoever how the rules work or anything no
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