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Football Talk


Hibernian - an Edinburgh team.
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Thanks very much for the info.
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Always thought he supported Rangers - weren't there pictures floating around of him in Rangers shirts a few years ago or has my mind completely invented that? Or did he maybe get offered a trial there but chose to stick with tennis? Something like that rings a bell anyway. I'm sure someone (Andrew perhaps?) used to have an avatar of Murray in a Rangers top.

Also isn't he a Barcelona fan stemming from his time there as a youngster?
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Had trials with us, but he's never worn a Rangers strip, that's for sure!
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When I see Andy playing keepie uppie I think he could well have been an asset to the game.
Not with Rangers though - they probably haven't had a keepie uppie man since Slim Jim.
I can see him supporting Barcelona.   They are great to watch.   He was probably brainwashed by his granddad into being a Hibs supporter!!!!
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I must admit I thought it was Rangers too  .
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Come on Merlynne - he's an intelligent guy.    Whistle
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Come on Merlynne - he's an intelligent guy.    Whistle
Just looked them up on Google , it looks like they are top of the league with 39 points, am I right?
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You are right - but you could say they are the best of a bad lot.    I just mean they don't play
the entertaining type of football which I think Andy would enjoy.   However as I have never discussed football with Andy I could be entirely wrong. Rolling Eyes
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You are right - but you could say they are the best of a bad lot.    I just mean they don't play
the entertaining type of football which I think Andy would enjoy.   However as I have never discussed football with Andy I could be entirely wrong. Rolling Eyes

Rangers have scored the most goals in the league so far.

Not the only parameter of entertainment but surely the best.
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The most entertaining thing about Rangers Andrew is their battle through the small claims court and their ongoing dispute with the taxman!!
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Depends on the quality of the opposition.   And thanks Iris for reminding me about the taxman.    That narks me - I have to pay my taxes.
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The most entertaining thing about Rangers Andrew is their battle through the small claims court and their ongoing dispute with the taxman!!

Funny how Celtic fans always want to talk about matters off the pitch these days, wonder why. Very Happy
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Because it's better than talking about on the pitch?    Iris a Celtic fan then?      As a neutral (sort of)  I would like to remind everybody that Celtic hold a record that
no other football team will ever equal - at least I can't imagine anyone managing it - any guesses?
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Most league goals in a match?
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