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Nick Kyrgios


I hope Nick will comply with their conditions, he surely will comply?
I don't think he'll appeal, it wouldn't seem sensible to do that.
The ATP had to do something really.  They can't overlook Nick's recent behaviour, if they didn't take any action what would that say to other players?
I'm sorry this thread has so many negative posts re Nick in it.  When the thread was first started it was supposed to take pleasure from Nick's tennis as he's undoubtedly a talented player.
So I don't understand Nick but I still think he can be a great player and win some Masters and a grandslam in 2020  cmon yeah cmon yeah
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Nick is recovering from a broken collarbone and has decided to go back to Australia and miss the rest of the Asian swing.

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Nick is recovering from a broken collarbone and has decided to go back to Australia and miss the rest of the Asian swing.
According to his Twitter it's 'a collar bone injury' which he picked up at the Laver Cup and which has 'escalated'.  I doubt he could have broken it though otherwise he wouldn't have been able to continue playing let alone reach the doubles final in Zhuhai with Matt Reid.  Also collar bone breaks are usually due to a heavy fall with the person landing on an outstretched arm, something I suppose is possible in tennis.  However, it sounds to me more like he's damaged a tendon in that area which has got worse due to playing, and which should heal fairly quickly with rest and possibly some physio.  On the other hand if he'd broken it, he'd have had to keep his arm immobile for around 6 weeks, and then start the rehab.

Also on Twitter re his punishment he posted this -

"Everyone. I can still play, I'm just on probation, relax, I'll still be playing and tennis will still be fun it's ok. I just have to keep a lid on my [behavior] that's all."

Well let's hope he sticks to his promise because he went through something similar with Tennis Australia, said much the same thing, then reverted to his old form in no time.  That was about three years ago. so hopefully now that he's older he's wiser as well, because everyone acknowledges the great tennis he can play when he puts his mind to it, hence the frustration and anger when he spoils it all with his often outrageous on-court behaviour.
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^  Yes I'm sure you're right and that it's a collar bone injury not a break.  Actually I read wherever I picked it up, a bit quickly, and I must learn to read things thoroughly and properly …

Watching Nick is always fun although it has to be said it's not always the fun you're looking for.

I hope Nick will make a quick recovery and will soon play at his high level without any upsets and/or tantrums along the way.
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^ What I want to see is Nick winning a Slam because he definitely has it in him to do so, and as he's only 24 time is on his side.  That said though the hunger has to be there otherwise it just won't happen, and I'd hate to see him become yet another nearly-man of tennis. 
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Nick's always the best  cmon yeah yay hug Heart
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He certainly has a big heart now all he needs to do is to behave himself on court otherwise his suspension will come into force.

They had exhos in Oz for the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 and one the following year for flood victims in Queensland, so I'm sure this will go ahead.
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He certainly has a big heart now all he needs to do is to behave himself on court otherwise his suspension will come into force.

They had exhos in Oz for the earthquake in Haiti in 2010 and one the following year for flood victims in Queensland, so I'm sure this will go ahead.

Can you imagine him behaving himself?  Although he surely needs to keep in mind his possible suspension.

I remember the exho for Haiti but I somehow have forgotten the one re Queensland  shocking
I'm sure Nick will serve lots of aces and some of the other participants will do the same. 
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I have to say, often despite myself, I can't help but like Nick Kyrgios. I know his on-court behaviour can be... problematic. And I really don't admire that sort of thing.  I don't mind his fancy shots and the humour he brings, but every now and then he does something which just makes me think what a kind, decent man he is under it all.
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Can you imagine him behaving himself?  Although he surely needs to keep in mind his possible suspension.
He might just get away with it if his behaviour isn't deemed to be offensive or OTT because that's just how Nick's inherent personality works, and tennis these days could do with a little lightening up anyway.

I remember the exho for Haiti but I somehow have forgotten the one re Queensland  shocking
Fed organised the first.  Pat Rafter and Sam Stosur the second.

I have to say, often despite myself, I can't help but like Nick Kyrgios. I know his on-court behaviour can be... problematic. And I really don't admire that sort of thing.  I don't mind his fancy shots and the humour he brings, but every now and then he does something which just makes me think what a kind, decent man he is under it all.
Same with me ATS.  One minute I dislike the guy because of some of the stupid, even pathetic, things he does on court, where he just seems to be wasting his great talent, then he does something very commendable either on court or off it, and I like him again!
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I've always liked Nick Kyrgios Smile  I suppose if I hadn't have liked him, I wouldn't have started the thread.
I know he can be annoying and tiresome sometimes, but this is just how he is.
I don't expect him to change any time soon, or ever soon really.
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I've always liked Nick Kyrgios Smile  I suppose if I hadn't have liked him, I wouldn't have started the thread.
I know he can be annoying and tiresome sometimes, but this is just how he is.
I don't expect him to change any time soon, or ever soon really.
As I said above, all he needs to do is tone things down a bit.  If he tried to change completely then he just wouldn't be Nick.  I've never been all that struck by some of Andy's on-court behaviour but accepted, or at least tried to accept, a long time ago that that's just how he is on court, and if it helps him win matches, then so be it.  Unfortunately for Nick some of his  behaviour, particularly when he decides he doesn't really want to play tennis, results in him losing matches
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What on earth was Nick thinking about??  Rolling Eyes

"'A new low': Nick Kyrgios angers Serbian fans with bizarre Novak Djokovic troll"
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^  So stupid!  shocking ban ?
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^  So stupid!  shocking ban ?
Looks like he got away with it as well despite his suspended ban, but I suppose that doesn't qualify as being on-court behaviour. Ironically though it was Nick who was the well-behaved one against a fiery Stefanos who disgraced himself by, he says inadvertently, hitting his father with his racquet when he lost his temper on court.
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