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Roger Federer off-court


Q: Have you finished with the family planning?

RF: You mean more kids in the future? Oh.. hm... we'll see. Let's first enjoy Myla and Charlene and then we'll see. At the moment there is a lot going on and you need to invest a lot of energy to run after the kids, etc. but it is extreme fun with them. Will there be a third kid? I hope so but it's not in our plans yet.
I foresee a Federer tribe who will take over the tennis world. Very Happy

Seriously, though, I think they've got the right idea.
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Just got round to reading this article and think it's very good.  One reason I opened this thread was because, however he may appear on court, there just had to be a human being underneath all the RF arrogance and glitz.

Think this comment at the end is well worth considering (the italics are mine) -

Federer’s not a god, a demi-god, a wizard, or any other mythological creation we so often characterize him as. The man is going to fail sometimes. He’s going to win a helluva lot more matches than he’s going to lose. But every now and then, he’s going to be faced with a day of mortality. A day during which he will play high quality tennis, and lose. This isn’t something that we should expect to happen often, but it will happen occasionally.

My advice is to accept it and move on, because honestly it’s really not fair to Roger Federer. It’s even less fair to the guys who defeat him, for many it’s been a career long process of building a game that is finally good enough to beat Roger Federer. Perhaps we all need to have a bit more respect for the players of the ATP tour, including Roger Federer.

Wonder what these guys talk about when they're not trying to beat the shit out of each other? Very Happy
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I just LOVE his eyes!
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AILEEN , me too  hug  , swiss chocolate eyes .... nice .
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"Swiss chocolate eyes" - really like that description Sylvie.
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Small vid of the photoshoot yesterday. I just love when he's walking next to Andy .....
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So Fed says he'll get his No. 1 ranking back ...

Nice video.  Pity Federer and Andy seem to be having a serious conversation - but then I don't think Andy's humour is on Fed's wave-length, and vice versa.

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